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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. Oooh, you're right, I totally am! That and the "Who shot JR?" plotline were iconic soap opera moments.
  2. I never heard about 'A Year Without Rain', but I can definitely imagine Leona singing those "oooh"s at the beginning! She would sound great on 'Turning Tables' too, although honestly the song wouldn't have been anywhere near as big with her singing it.
  3. Wow, Nicki really is desperate for a hit, huh?
  4. Yasss at 'Unusual You', 'Get Naked' and 'Get Back' being so high on your list! How did you hear 'Solo' six months before it was even released?
  5. Exactly! #Justice4TheMiddle
  6. Was season eight the dream season? I always thought that was such a ridiculous plotline but more than anything I'm just amazed they even had the nerve to pull it off! As for the new series...I'm surprised you even made it to episode nine. I think any soap in the modern age really has to have some kind of comedic twist and laugh at it's own cheesiness, but this version had none of that, and none of the catfights I tuned into the original for. I'm not here for it.
  7. Really? I don't think anyone here even remembers Emma or Mel C exist! Although 'It's Raining Men' was a hit back when it was first released so I think Geri may have a small fanbase. Honey, she's more relevant than Victoria at this point... All those talent shows are treating her well!
  8. I was sexually harassed by @jaycoolguy! #MeToo #@jaycoolguyIsOverParty
  9. The only Janet albums I've actually listened to in full are Unbreakable and The Velvet Rope, but I have heard some of her other singles here and there and everything I've listened to from her has been pretty consistently good! I just wish she wasn't trying so hard with 'Made For Now', she can do sooo much better than what she gave us with that. Speaking of MJ, do y'all think he would still have such a huge career nowadays in the era of #MeToo and all the increased awareness of sexual harassment? I feel like if he was still alive and the accusations against him came out today his career would be over in a heartbeat...
  10. I love how you made an account just to post this! It's so great to hear you're doing well Spencer!
  11. Why did you change your name? :stretcher: I legit thought you were a new member and was so ready to start disliking all your posts... :shocked:

    1. monopoly


      I can’t find a good name to settle on, send help, or assistance. 

    2. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      @lukehub Why not Skinny Legend #2? Or Mo's #1 Fan? Or hell, even just #BuyAStarIsBornOniTunes? :orly: 

  12. Tbh, that's the only one that I could kind of laugh at! The rest of them are just super depressing and make me sad, especially that Lilo and Stitch one...
  13. This is one of the few songs from her which I actually like! Although all of the lyrics are kinda ridiculous, the song is really only good thanks to the production imo.
  14. Is there any need for that kind of name calling? As a stan of a fellow X Factor flop you should be a little more charitable sis!
  15. , but you did a good job on the artwork! The only thing I'm not sure about is the background, I feel it's way too bright compared to the photos and it kinda hurts my eyes. Keep working at it though, I know you're getting better and better!
  16. This is a bop and a half! :hail:

  17. Idk why you're freaking out over this, she sounds the same she has for the last year or two... The only difference is she's really singing those whistle notes this time! She sounds good but I still think her voice is sounding a little strained, she needs a new vocal coach for sure! However, I will say that she sounds better than a lot of current pop singers, her stage presence is there and her body, hair and makeup is all looking snatched. MiMi remains the elusive chanteuse!
  18. Oh honey, I don't think even most gays heard that Nicki remix... I honestly forgot it even happened up until now!
  19. We have the first trailer for the film! Naturally because she's a woman people are dragging it online, but I think it looks pretty on par with all the other Marvel trailers we've had recently. I'm looking forward to watching it!
  20. Maybe someone can set up a hologram of XXXTrashtacion now that Prince's estate has passed on it!
  21. Predicting who will take the iconic stage at the Super Bowl Half Time Show has become par for the course in recent years, and predictions get more and more exciting each time the NFL ups the ante with another superstar musician. This year brought us Justin Timberlake's lukewarmly received set during the Half Time Show, and the year before brought Lady Gaga's record breaking display; and if new reports are to be trusted, it seems as though the NFL has already chosen who will take the stage this year. According to reports from The New York Times, Maroon 5 has been confirmed to play the Super Bowl on February 3rd, 2018 in Atlanta, Georgia. The news comes three years after frontman Adam Levine told Howard Stern that the band was on a "short list" to play the show, saying, "We very actively want to play the Super Bowl." If they do end up taking the stage, it's likely Maroon 5 will perform hits from all six of their platinum-selling albums, as well as any new material they'll undoubtedly release to capitalise on the publicity. There's plenty to choose from, ranging from early hits 'She Will Be Loved' and 'This Love' to diva collaborations like 'If I Never See Your Face Again' with Rihanna and 'Moves Like Jagger' with Christina Aguilera to later R&B tinged songs like 'Payphone' and 'Don't Wanna Know'. It's already been hinted that Cardi B, who collaborated with the band on their recent hit 'Girls Like You', will take the stage along with Travis Scott. What are your thoughts on Maroon 5 as Super Bowl performers? Are they iconic enough to take the stage, or should Britney have been called back? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!
  22. She officially had her last show yesterday... I still don't think I've even heard a single song of hers, but seeing the public reception to her and how upset her fans are makes me sad! When I was in Japan recently her face was everywhere and it was so cool to see how the whole country was so proud and supportive of her. I hope her fans are okay and that she lives a happy, comfortable life outside of the music industry.
  23. The last great Xenomania production!
  24. PHF, ha influence! Idris is still keeping mum on the whole idea and saying that he hasn't been asked to read for the role, but given how popular he is among fans I wouldn't be surprised if he got it.
  25. I still haven't even watched the second season, but I was sad to see the show got cancelled... I really thought Colleen was gonna be a YouTuber to cross over but I guess not. Fingers crossed it will get renewed by YouTube Red or something!
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