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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. I didn't think I knew it, but now I realise they were the ones who made those packs with like 50 songs in them! I'll miss them and all their Wynter Gordon leaks.
  2. SAME! Only a bad bitch could pull it off.
  3. Me too! Then again I'm not actually American so I probably don't have the right to judge, but oh well.
  4. No idea what this even is but I thought some people here might be interested.
  5. [img width=500 height=650]http://mileygallery.net/albums/Photoshoots/2013/ELLE%20UK/001.jpg [img width=650 height=765]http://mileygallery.net/albums/Photoshoots/2013/ELLE%20UK/003.jpg [img width=650 height=867]http://mileygallery.net/albums/Photoshoots/2013/ELLE%20UK/004.jpg [img width=500 height=667]https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/217570_10151452676323246_1405183381_n.jpg [img width=500 height=667]https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/923547_10151452717093246_1642323749_n.jpg :hail: When will your fave look so androgynous yet flawless?
  6. Is that what your house looks like after a party?
  8. Omg, she'll be amazing! I've never seen Precious but I have seen The Big C and she was so cute.
  9. OMG She's so boring though! Like I love the character but the plot's they give her are so boring! First she was like, oh, I have to find a husband. Now I have to find dragons. Now I have to find an army, so I need to find a ship. Now I need to find an aide. Now I'm just gonna keep walking in a random direction like I've been doing for three seasons.
  10. Ooooh I haven't heard 'All Alone'! I'll check it out in a bit.
  11. Hmm I dunno about those too! I guess 'Easy' was sort of confirmed in that leaking thing, and so was the second FF song (although it's vaguely possible that turned into 'Scream and Shout').
  12. Register or be banned.
  13. So now that we finally have #willpower I thought I'd make a list of all the tracks that didn't make the final cut! Let me know if I'm missing any. Singles: House Great Times T.H.E. (The Hardest Ever) (Feat. Jennifer Lopez & Mick Jagger) Reach for the Stars (Mars Edition) Leaked: Hoola Hoop (Feat. Nicci Sundae) Kuchi Kusai Song Losin' It (Feat. Fergie) You And Me (Feat. Justin Bieber) Party Like an Animal (Feat. LMFAO & Eva Simons) (LQ) Recorded: Duet with Cheryl Duet with Alicia Keys & Swedish House Mafia Duet with The Beats Duet with Shakira Duet with David Guetta Duet with Rihanna Duet with Busta Rhymes & Swizz Beatz Duet with Demi Lovato Duet with Ne-Yo Easy (Feat. Britney Spears) Second Femme Fatale Duet I'm dying for the Demi, Rihanna and Cheryl duets but the Alicia one sounded amazing! It was meant to be classical mixed with techno. Hopefully these will all appear on a re-release!
  14. Who doesn't love Pokemon? I watched the anime last night and it was flawless.
  15. FLAWLESS QUEEN! Obsessed with Get Back and Lemonade. When will your fave?
  16. A revolution is coming. And I want - We want - You deserve - The future. My name is Jump Rope Queen. And this is Pokemon Hates Faaaaaaaaaagzzzzzzzzzzzz.
  17. Come and join us on PokeMMO! It's an online version of Pokemon where you can play through the game with your friends, along with chatting to them, battling each other and sharing tips and tricks. My username is PopHatesFags and Dayfid's is Dayfid. Anne is signing up now! Come and join us!
  18. That's a good plan tbh! I might just tune in.
  19. Oooh that's cool! Yeah, I did feel they were jumping around like crazy for a bit there. Season one is still flawless though.
  20. Yusss get into it and tell me who you want to win! And OMG I forgot about that flop song. It sounds catchy though, I'm sure I'll be twerking.
  21. Who's been watching this?! We're down to four girls now - Candice, Amber, Angie and Kree. I was SO shocked that Candice and Amber were in the bottom two last night. Kree definitely needs to be voted out but I have a feeling all the country people are voting for her, so she might stick around longer than expected. For me, Candice definitely has the best voice, but Angie is more emotive and interesting in her performances. But I think Amber would make the overall best pop star. And Kree has the country vote. I honestly have no idea who's going to win!
  22. Ugh I hate you so much. I have to find streaming links online but they're always down and they take forever to load.
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