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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. I actually love this! I just wish her name was behind her head and the title was centred. :'(
  2. Let me see what I can do.
  3. Thx 4 ur cuntribution.
  4. Hahaha, that's awesome! Can't you play online or something as well? Maybe we should set up a chatbox version.
  5. Frankie's so boring though omg. The only interesting thing about her is the fact that she has short hair.
  6. Glad someone's appreciating.
  7. Maybe, but it didn't sell well at all and it only went Platinum like last year. I call that a flop.
  8. The latest offering from Miley Cyrus, 'We Will Flop' 'We Can't Stop' has officially premiered! Miley played the song for the first time with Ryan Seacrest a few hours ago, and since then the song has been uploaded to Miley's official Vevo and iTunes. On premiering the song, Miley said: “I can’t wait; my heart is beating a thousand miles a minute. The fans have made it more than a single releasing; my fans have made it a really insane experience. Everyone always judges; my fans are a group that stands by me. I keep getting connected with a sound that is my own. I love making music. The song says where I am in my life right now.” As much as we love Miley herself, we're not sold on this track yet. It plays like some Ciara meets Kendrick Lamar meets will.i.am meets Snoop Lion collaboration, and we expected a little more from Miley (an up-tempo would be nice). However, we feel like this will be the kind of song that grows on you the more you play it. Already we're starting to move to the beat, and we predict that this will be a bit of a summer hit for Miley. What do you think of the track? Is it everything you hoped for? Let us know at the forums! Download: Miley Cyrus - We Can't Stop
  9. OMG Right! It's fan made though, I saw it months ago on Tumblr or something. So boring tbh.
  10. Yesterday Gaga posted the pic of her and Dallas Austin in the studio together. The same day, Zynga (the game company behind Words With Friends, Farmville, etc.) posted this: Then, the official Twitter for World Music Awards posted this: Pretty interesting tbh. Gaga debuted some songs from BTW on Farmville so maybe she'll do a similar thing with her new songs. As for WMA's, I'm not sure what "Thursday" is referring to - maybe they're announcing the date and performers of the show this Thursday, and she's performing there? I'd be here for her debuting the lead single on the WMA's tbh.
  11. Sent you $50. Don't spend it all in one place. xo
  12. Oooh I've heard a lot about this! It sounds pretty cool! Isn't it possible to print out the cards and make them yourself though? If you end up getting it let me know what it's like!
  13. How disappointing that you have nothing better to do with your life than troll the blogs of those more successful than you…..
  14. You're a flop. She's not irrelevant at all. She still has a huge fanbase who are dedicated pretty much only to her and the general public know who she is even if they're not hearing her songs on the radio every five seconds. The only reason she's absent rn is because she's on the "media blackout" she mentioned on Ellen. If she wanted the attention, she would be getting it by Tweeting and by letting the paparazzi/her fans take photos of her, but she's not doing either. Don't worry, you'll hear more than enough of Gaga when the #ARTPOPSlayage arrives.
  15. And yet the album was still a flop. Why is this?
  16. A lot of people are saying that K$'s new album is an irrevocable flop. What are your thoughts? Did it flop or not? Personally I don't think it was hugely successful, but it wasn't a complete failure either. I expected more success, but everyone has these kinds of falls in their careers: Madonna with MDNA, Gaga (arguably) with BTW, Britney with Blackout, etc. Doesn't necessarily mean she's gone for good. Your thoughts?
  17. Sharon Needles loves us! Check out what he had to say on Twitter below... Thanks Sharon for the great publicity! Welcome to all trannies on the site! x
  18. Destiny's Child have released their second song of the year - 'You Changed'! The track is from Kelly's upcoming solo album Talk A Good Game, but as it features the entire lineup of the group as it last appeared, we feel pretty justified in throwing around the term "Destiny's Child reunion". While we're loving these sporadic reunions, we're not really loving the songs chosen to harbour them. 'You Changed' is a pretty typical R&B slow jam, similiar to 'Nuclear', the last song we heard from the trio, and at this point it's getting pretty old. We're waiting for some 'Lose My Breath' realness from the girls! What do you think of the track? Let us know at the forums! Download: Kelly Rowland - You Changed (Feat. Beyoncé & Michelle Williams) (Tagged)
  19. Kelly Clarkson has premiered the music video for her latest venture, 'People Like Us'! The Original Idol, Kelly recorded the song for her first compilation, Greatest Hits: Chapter One. The clip sees Kelly almost unrecognisable as a sexy doctor who saves a colourful (literally) girl from being used as a test subject by evil professors. Weird, but it works. Check out the video below and let us know what you think over at the forums! httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yWbMz_aBlMU
  20. Listen here: http://htmlbody.tumblr.com/post/51511332369 Glad to see she has such a broad vocabulary.
  21. No! She was ugly back then! She's not that person anymore!
  22. The whole panel is a mess tbh. Not one attractive member on the whole thing.
  23. In Touch magazine is spreading more rumours about Amanda! Why can't they just leave her alone and stop posting photos of her old nose?! [img width=494 height=457] Here's what Amanda said: I feel so bad for her! Why is In Touch and black people hating on her? #LEAVEAMANDAALONE
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