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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  2. I'm guessing your overcome with emotion which is why you can't type properly. I agree though, I have no idea what the fuck is happening rn. The sick thing is how he tried to justify it.
  3. Agreed. :'( That video was so tacky! I hope she gets out of Romania, moves to the US, meets Larry Rudolph, and gets a real career and manager. :'(
  4. Your new recolour is flawless! The lips and chain may be a liiiiiittle too vibrant but that's just me being picky. Nice job!
  5. Lmfao I like it! And I wanna see Lana as a mermaid tbh. xo
  6. Frankie Sandford vacuums her lawn. Frankie Sandford is better than you.
  7. [img width=500 height=500]https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-frc1/1005567_507125039342428_1609807893_n.jpg [img width=480 height=480]http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/p480x480/63064_517691041620406_942379123_n.jpg Looking flawless. Hoping someone will scan the full shoot and article!
  8. [img width=250 height=141]
  9. It's better than it's A-side tbh.
  10. What the fuck? I'm actually so shocked at this. I know he wasn't shooting at anybody but was it really necessary to shoot in the first place? Anyway, I'm sorry this is happening to you guys. I guess we can hope that the World Cup will bring some attention to the struggle that Brazilian people are facing? And maybe it will bring in some money with tourism which will allow you guys to build some more infrastructure? Idk though. Seems like your government's pretty messed up.
  11. Crying at the fact that neither of our favs are in the lead. Is that a new song?
  12. Sad when some people can't deal with the facts.
  13. You keep saying that like it's a bad thing. The Gods knew not to push their brand too much and quit while they were still the leaders of the pack, ensuring their legacy will never be tarnished by flop singles (such as 'What About Us' or 'Gentleman'). Don't you worry though. In five years or so they'll reunite for a hit tour and earn their 5th #1 single.
  14. Nobody will ever beat Gods Aloud.
  15. Let's settle this once and for all. Who's your favourite girl group of all time? Obviously there's a lot of options but if you want me to add someone to the poll let me know and I'll do it. Can't wait to see the Flopurdays get eliminated in round 1.
  16. This is the only thing I can think of that could possible cause her to make such poor life decisions. She legit must be going through a mental breakdown. No one in their right mind would actually want to go out with Justin Bieber over the brother of Thor. It's sad, and I hope the girl gets help.
  17. No idea why I thought I had 'I'll Be There'. Here's the other two though: Sex Sells (Demo) Club Thing (Demo)
  18. Just like Michelle Williams couldn't live up to Queen Marilyn, I doubt Naomi will be able to live up to the People's Princess.
  19. I think LeafGreen should work but I could be wrong! You can also use HG/SS to mod it so your Pokemon will follow behind you.
  20. It's called a corset. Frankie should try one.
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