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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. Agreed, but she did have a baby. Hopefully we'll get something early next year! YUSS AND THAT SLUTTASTIC VIDEO CLIP!
  2. Omg, I'm so excited! This must have been one of the other film projects she was talking about. Hopefully she has a bigger role in this one tho.
  3. www.pophatesfag.tumblr.com, lbr. And really? I have it on my list but there's sooo much to watch! I'm trying to get through Ally McBeal right now but there's not enough hours in the day. :'(
  4. 'Boom Boom Boom Boom' by the Vegnaboys! :hail: AKA The best 90's song ever created! :hail:
  5. I can see why Lana changed her name tbh, 'Grant' is so plain and gross.
  6. Wouldn't you love your last name to be Del Rey?
  7. Gurl, bai. JT is mediocre at best and has spent the last decade of his career rehashing songs, clothes and dance moves that he's already done. The only time he was vaguely interesting was when he dated Britney. :shocked:
  8. No, but i keep seeing all these gifs and fanfic and shit from it on my Tumblr dashboard. Is it any good?
  9. Here's a cover I made for all of K$'s Cannibal demos and outtkes (yes, I'm still working on the megapost). What do you guys think?
  10. Lmaoo, fair enough. That's how I felt with 'Boom Boom' by Rye Rye.
  11. I liked the visuals of Kanye's performance but it got boring after a while. I skipped JT's performance completely tbh, I'm so not here for 20 minutes of some tryhard doing the same dance moves while singing the same songs again and again. Katy's performance had a good idea but the execution was off imo.
  12. Those titles tho... But okay, I'll download!
  13. We all have our own opinions on who the Queen of Pop is. But who is the King of Pop rn? I hate to say it, but I have to go with Bieber. No other male artist right now (and only a few females) have managed to reach his level of success and he produces mass hysteria similiar to MJ or the Rolling Stones, which is a sad reflection of humanity. What do you guys think?
  14. I actually super liked it! Although I agree with you that the vocals weren't great, I think that the fact that the verses are sort of half-rapped allows for that a little more, even though I expected a bit more ad-libbing so she can show off that flawless voice. There wasn't much else happening tbh. A heap of people booed 1D and Gaga turned around and gave them dirty looks. Then she went backstage to tell them she supported them and left the show cos she was sick of the negativity. #ModernMotherTheresa
  15. 'Practice' isn't bad, I like the instrumental. Not my fave tho.
  16. Omg, yes! Didn't he die in the last movie tho? Or did he just turn into a merman or something? I want Judi Dench to come back tbh. And I'm find with Penelope coming back but only if she has another star to balance her out, as I found her character kind of boring on her own.
  17. Omg, okay. So I looooove 'Take Care', 'Over My Dead Body' and 'Crew Love'. I still haven't listened to a lot of the tracks more than once tho so I'll keep going.
  18. Omg, same! Me and my grandma must have watched the first one like 100 times, haha! Yeah, hopefully they'll find a spot to write him in. Although it would be pretty awkward if they invited him back without Elizabeth. :'(
  19. I'm excited tbh! I hope Keira and/or Orlando come back tho!
  20. I've never heard of her but she sounds cool! What's her best song?
  21. Agreed! She could also just do a huge leak collection like she's suggested in the past, considering she has like over 100 of them. But if she's working with Lou Reed it sounds like she might be inspired again shortly anyway.
  22. Omg, perfect! I hope someone makes a mash-up of the Freddie Mercury version with the Mick Jagger version, that's like three pop gods coming together.
  23. Gaga has the clown makeup industry covered tbh. I think Britney will go for a zombie-inspired line. YUS PLZ AT BLACKOUT 2.0!
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