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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. She has one? Flawless! Is it called 'Heir'?
  2. A few weeks ago there was an 'exclusive' on BreatheHeavy that Brit's new single would be called 'Werk Bitch'. Then, Britney and her team changed all their Twitter banners to simple black backgrounds. Now RuPaul has changed hers as well! It's possible that the single will sample 'Supermodel' from Ru's 90's days. In other news, Britney's now shooting her first music video for the upcoming album. [img width=403 height=136]http://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/s403x403/1001274_10151863651950631_1026279979_n.jpg [img width=650 height=650]https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/1234510_10151869631628234_28712436_n.jpg I'm excited.
  3. I'm super upset about this! He makes some of the most beautiful films ever and I can't believe we only have one more to go. ;'( I know his son is poised to take over the company or something but I haven't seen any of his works. Hopefully he can live up to his father's movies but I doubt anyone can tbh. :'(
  4. OMFG. :'( Thank you so much for a flawless thread baby! You're the sweetest thing ever and my favourite member ever (but shh, don't tell the rest of them ). I love you!
  5. This thread worries me.
  6. Omg, really? I can't live without her for six months! :'(
  7. OMG YES! One of my favourite shows tbh! Season 4 is where it started going downhill tho. #BringBackQueenLittleJ Although Katie Cassidy is pretty flawless tbh.
  8. I'm excited! Jay-Z is a good feature, but Detail is a mess tbh. The only song I know of his is that one he did with Ke$ha. Hoping for another female duet or two, like the ones with Alicia and RiRi.
  9. Omg, you're like me! When I was younger I was totally bi but as I've grown up I just haven't been here for girls anymore. I'm still open to it tho I guess, I just can't see it lasting for a lifetime.
  10. Me too tbh, but the fact that she's announcing it so quickly makes me think we could be wrong! I'd prefer an EP by the end of this year though, and an album early next year. I don't feel she should be rushing an album out after we've all waited so long.
  11. I can't tell if you're throwing shade or not.
  12. I didn't know there was one! The only perfume I've been using for like the last year is 'FAME' tbh.
  13. I only fuck Tom Daley. #You'llNeverGetOnThatLevel
  14. Omg, do you really wear a weave? I wanna get one but that shit is so expensive. I gotta figure out how to do it myself.
  15. She looks amazing! She looks a lot older than 16 tho. I wonder if her label is doing that on purpose? I'm ready for her to be the first commercially successful next Sky Ferreira tbh.
  16. She looks gorgeous! I honestly forgot how much I love her with blonde hair.
  17. Omg, yes please! I would be so here for that, their chemistry was amazing! And I smelt her last one, it wasn't bad tbh! I like the bottle designs too.
  18. I only fuck lacrosse players. #GetOnMyLevel
  19. So true. :hail:
  20. Post pics tbh.
  21. OMG, YOU LOOK FLAWLESS! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the blonde on you, and the 'Superhuman' hair is flawless, the fringe really works for you! And I'm so jealous of your rings, they look amazing! Plus those Melody Ehsani designs look amazing. I loooove those gold Reebok sneakers she's got!
  22. Aww thank you boo! This cover's kind of a mess but I'm still waiting for someone talented to make one. And yeah omg, you're right haha! She kind of looks like a panda with it's eyes closed!
  23. Sorry, but as the character name 'Deadmau5' has no meaning whatsoever, you can't use that as an excuse. And if you want me to write a five page essay on the multiple interpretations of the meat dress, I can. Just let me know.
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