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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. I don't even know who that is. #Mess And how can you work on a tracklist when you don't even know what the songs sound like?!
  2. YUSSSS KATHY SLAY THAT MESSY FAGGOT! Perez needs to go away for a long long time. I'm so over him and his constant leeching on to celebrities.
  3. Omg, sorry! I'm super confused with the geography of the US. Territories, states, cities, suburbs, regions, there's too many. But yeah, of course I've heard of Santa Cruz! Is it nice there?
  4. Isn't it Reck Genest or something? Idk. I just call him 'Zombie Boy'.
  5. Thank you sweetie! You're a surfer? That's hot. Do you live in the OC?
  6. The ones I get are normally straight to begin with, but I normally have to tone them so they'll match my colour. And it's so hot over here that the humidity just kills all the straightening work anyway. :'( I wish we had Sally's where I live. :'( Everyone on YouTube is all like "oh yeah, you can find this at Sally's"/"I just ran down to Sally's to grab this". I'm so jealous!
  7. I'm just kidding baby, thanks. Where did you go?!
  8. I LOVE YOU TOO! I'm so glad I finally have someone to stan for Jeremy Scott with me, lmao! I won the sunglasses because some flawless person I'm subscribed to was giving them away! I sent in a submission to win them and somehow I won! It was like the first time I've ever won anything, I was so excited! These are the ones I got: And these are the jackets: [img width=650 height=487] [img width=300 height=300]http://i.ebayimg.com/t/Adidas-Jeremy-Scott-JS-Stars-And-Stripes-Track-Jacket-Top-TT-USA-Rare-New-Glory-/00/s/NTAwWDUwMA==/$(KGrHqZHJDQE8fdBgM(8BPMwIlInFw~~60_35.JPG And these are the shoes! [img width=570 height=450] [img width=500 height=333] But omg, I know right? I am like obsessed with his stuff! I have links to his shoes open in my tabs and I just freak out over them every day until I eventually fork out the money to get them! And the Zebra's are so cute, I love them! I really wanted those neon bear shoes he had but I just couldn't justify buying them. I don't even need to be rich tbh. I just need to be famous so that I can get sent all these clothes for free.
  9. It takes time! You gotsta straighten dat shit out, then clip it all in and make sure all the clips are hidden. And even then I get worried everyone can see them.
  10. Omg, thanks! I'll look forward to it!
  11. Yesss that's such a cool video! That isn't actually Thierry tho, that's just his most famous model.
  12. A flawless queen!
  13. True! I can imagine that he'll still work on the movies, just in a more limited fashion. Less all-night animation fests and more storyboarding and things like that.
  14. No! Who is she?!
  15. I'll go test it out tbh. I really wanna try that Thierry Mugler one as well, the bottle:
  16. AGREED. What's your favourite season gurl?
  17. RIP to the child I used to be. His days are over. :'( :'( :'(
  18. I have some of those as well, but I can never be bothered putting those bitches in. Ain't nobody got time for dat at 8 am! I got my clip-ons from some eBay store, they weren't bad either. If you search for them on the site and sort them by price you should come across some decent ones.
  19. #TLateW
  20. :stretcher:
  21. Omg, no way! This is actually a pretty flawless idea. I love that she's trying something new while still appealing to her fans. I hope RuPaul makes the video as well! And yeah, agreed. I was expecting her to release 'Everyday' tbh.
  22. Is anyone here a fan of this girl's music? I looove what I've heard so far but I know I'm missing a heap! I have the entire Peopletree Sessions album and The Divine Comedy, plus all the songs she's uploaded to her site. But I know there's a few features she's done and a few soundtrack songs, as well as some songs she's only performed live. If anyone could give me a list to go off that would be amazing!
  23. Oooh, well that's good I guess! Come to think of it, six months isn't really that long. Gaga was away for about six months after her hip operation. Plus, Lana works faster than most artists in terms of writing her songs, so if she starts right away after the hiatus we could have an album within a year.
  24. Lmfao, looking back at this again, this cover was a total mess. She looks like The Wicked Witch of the West!
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