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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. Exactlye. Maybee ife Lorde wase ae bite moree friendly toe peoplee thene shee woulde bee ablee toe singe aboute relationshipse tooe. :morninge:
  2. What a classy bitch, and even younger than Lorde when she became famous! Take notes you horrid little kiwi fruit.
  3. Omg, you don't like it? I prefer it but I can change it back if everyone hates it!
  4. You'd like to eat my pussy, wouldn't you?
  5. Oh, you a funny bitch now huh? You just wait until the Queen of Disney returns to snatch that ratty ass Halloween weave you're trying to rock. [img width=400 height=250]
  6. I will. :'( But only after I've caught up on 'Elementary'.
  7. What an ugly dog that is.
  8. Saxobeats is legit a surprisingly hot album. I listened to her first single and was like "meh" but a few months later I downloaded her album and loved it!
  9. My cat's about ready to eat your cat for breakfast.
  10. Omg, that's so bad! They probably just wanna forget she ever existed but you'd think they'd have better customer service.
  12. Flawless movies tho!
  13. She clearly needs someone to be whispering in her ear if this is her idea of good promotion.
  14. Omg, it's already out!? I hate when ratings season comes around and I suddenly have like 200 million shows to watch again!
  15. Omg, six episodes?! That's nothing! I'll definitely give it a go then. The only RH shows I watch religiously are Atlanta and Beverly Hills.
  17. That's a lot of info. It's interesting though! I didn't realise she'd be so difficult to find out more about! Have you tried contacting her old record label?
  18. You forgot about her starring role in Step Up and Step Up 2.
  19. I guess so, but if that's the way she feels she's wrong. Gaga, Britney and Beyonce all have large adult fanbases and throw relatively little shade, and when they do it's deserved. She needs to take notes and stop trying to find her fame by negative means.
  20. Omg, yes! Even Lindsay hasn't said bad shit about anyone, and look at what kind of a mess that girl is. Agreed, but even Miley and Demi have never resorted to bringing others down, despite their own personal image crises. I mean, Miley might have shaded Sinead a few days ago, but that was kind of deserved so...
  21. Nice. So as soon as I come to the country you just disappear. I see how it is.
  22. What about Miley, Demi or Selena then? I don't see them starting shit with people (unless people started shit with them first), even though they were quite young when they came out.
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