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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. He really reached for the stars. OMG. That's some Illuminati shit right there!
  2. He had a song play in space but he didn't actually go to space himself. What's even the point of that? TAKE ME TO YOUR LEADER, ROCKS!
  3. At least Alexandra's video had a hot song to back it up. 'Lollipop' is perfect.
  4. I fear for her fanbase when she doesn't even live on Earth for a few minutes. :'(
  5. PREACH! Anyway, am I the only one who finds this kind of hilarious? XTina stans are so pressed. Maybe if they'd focused more on FlopTina's new music rather than obsessing over the absolute mess that was Bionic, Lotus could have actually gone somewhere in the charts. I mean really, how could you expect a #1 with this dreadful excuse for a music video?
  6. I fear for her mental wellbeing.
  7. I think so! If you click on the username it takes you to her channel.
  8. LOVE HER!
  9. She should just marry Dr. Luke and get it over with tbh.
  11. #BUYARTPOP I'M SO TEMPTED. I've actually listened to like the first minute of all the tracks but I'm trying to avoid listening to the whole thing. It's super hard tho. :'(
  12. I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO DO GUYS. :'( I downloaded the early LQ rip of ARTPOP but I have no idea if I should listen to it or not! I've pre-ordered my copy and it should be coming on November 11th. Plus I wanna wait to hear all the songs in perfect i+ quality before judging them all. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?
  13. You mustn't be gay, sorry. Only straight men like Katy for her big boobs. Can you prove it?
  14. Umm, what the hell? How stupid! #BRINGDOWN78VIOLETFORUMS
  15. Go back to the Bible Belt Katy, fags don't like you.
  16. OMG. Why would they even ban you for that though? I mean apart from the fact it was totally true it's not like you were being really horrible about them or trolling. Their fans are clearly in heat because they haven't had an album to look forward to for like six years.
  17. A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. She needs the hit.
  18. This is why I don't like Katy. She has such conservative views about everyone else but when it gets down to it she never practises what she preaches.
  19. Oh, well that's kind of exciting I guess! I doubt it will be the hit she needs but at least we'll get a flawless video and maybe some live performances!
  20. So these images have been circulating the web today of K$ shooting videos for... And... I'M EXCITED! Even though I doubt her label will even release another single, I would love to see 'Supernatural' as the next choice. Such a flawless song!
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