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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. I didn't see Brit on the list of highest selling albums this year. What happened?
  2. Omg, what?! I hadn't even heard about that! How exciting!
  5. We don't have Thanksgiving here but a few stores do have Black Friday nowadays! I dunno if it's actually worth all the savings but a few online shops I'm checking out have savings of up to 50% which is pretty rad. The problem is that I'm super unlucky and always end up buying things just before the sales start and have to pay an extra $50 or something.
  6. Maybe we should ban all talk of Lorde's rudeness on PHF.
  7. Exactly! When someone like Britney doesn't do any promo she's called lazy but when Gaga puts in a shitload of work she's desperate. You can't win anymore.
  8. I agree actually! The majority of the year was kinda boring but all these fourth quarter releases are really exciting, even if some of them are a little disappointing. The other thing I don't get is: Why is it that if Katy is appearing on a magazine cover, she's just "getting dat promo", but if Gaga's making a smart business move she's somehow desperate? She got the full amount of money from those sales anyway so I don't see what the problem is.
  9. Right?! I love how everyone was like, "oh, she'll never match those sales without another 99 cents deal". And now they're just rubbing it in everybody's faces for no reason to try and make everyone feel bad.
  10. I have no idea what you're talking about. 'Over-hype'? Everything Betty does is FLAWLESS and that's FACT. Blanche is a goddess! [img width=500 height=300]
  11. To be fair, he was kind of right about the home video thing, I did find that kind of awkward given how sexual the song is. But the rest of what he's saying is absolute bullshit. He is SO obsessed with her, it's actually scary.
  12. YUSSS! GAGA SERVING THE HATERS SOME FRANKENSTEIN REALNESS! If it knows how to cook meatballs then I'll never leave the house again!
  13. Can we just discuss this absolutely flawless show? I started watching it a few years ago and must have seen all the episodes then. But a few weeks ago I ate some cheesecake and suddenly realised I hadn't watched it for ages. Now I'm watching it on YouTube! This is the latest one I've watched: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhSaDLhQxks# 1. Which girl are you? 2. What's your favourite episode? 3. Whose stories are better - Rose's St Olaf stories, Sophia's Italy stories, Blanche's sex stories or Dorothy's Stan stories? 4. Favourite guest star? For me, I probably identify most with Dorothy, even though I like Rose more. While I hated that bitch at first, the more you watch the more you notice how sweet and loving Dorothy is, especially to Sophia. My favourite episode has to be the one where Rose's boyfriend Miles leaves and at the end she recites a poem about him. It gets me everytime. :'( ROSE'S ST OLAF STORIES ARE THE BEST. And the only guest star I remember was George Clooney, he was actually pretty banging back then.
  14. The general public isn't here for her anymore. She's running out of ideas. No one likes Gaga anymore. #ChartFlop
  15. Tbh, she should just be getting shit because her performance was dreadful and that costume was completely irrelevant to the song.
  16. K$ was on point with the dancing but she seemed nervous or something, her voice wasn't great. :'( On the other hand, Gaga was flawless vocally but her chemistry with Kelly still seemed really awkward. Great Big World (who even are they?) and Floptina seemed really forced. Miley's was cute but kinda boring after a while. And why the hell is Rihanna still promoting 'Diamonds'? Is that really the only song this bitch can sing?
  17. I'm sorry Ashley, but I can't support this. He missed L and you didn't even punish him. How will he ever learn in life if you don't teach him while he's young? What if he grew up and could only type 'ady Gaga' and it was all your fault for never teaching him L? I hope you reconsider your actions and save him before it's too late.
  18. I don't even count that mess as a real film.
  19. This! She's not really my thing but I'm impressed given she's doing it all independently.
  20. I can't wait! I'm so excited to see what the plot is all about and see her legit acting skills!
  21. She had sex with...what?
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