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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. Y'all are about to make me cry. :'( Especially spcdoo45's comment, I can't believe you read me so well, it's ridiculous! Nick baby, I didn't realise you lived in Australia?! Where are you from!
  2. I agree that 'Swine' isn't an ideal single choice, but honestly it's the only thing I can see being released, other than 'Gypsy'. I can't imagine 'G.U.Y.' or 'Mary Jane Holland' being played on the radio, and releasing 'Sex Dreams' would be a risk I don't think they're willing to take at this point. But yeah, 'Gypsy' is definitely the obvious choice, especially because she's been performing it so much already.
  3. RIGHT, ME TOO! They try so hard to make her "alternative" and "quirky" and it just comes off so try-hard and irritating. It's a cute plot but the main characters turn me off it.
  4. KIDZ BOP IS BACK! Check out their flawless covers of songs like 'Summertime Sadness' and 'Applause' here! http://www.kidzbop.com/music/kidz-bop-series/Kidz-Bop-25 :hail:
  5. I agree with you but I think 'Starstruck', 'Monster' and 'Scheisse' would have been better singles. What do y'all want for the next ARTPOP single? I can see 'Gypsy' or 'Swine' both doing okay on radio, but I don't think either of them will smash. :'(
  6. Four in the morning? Why on earth would you do that to yourself?
  7. :stretcher:
  8. He better not be a douchemaster. She deserves a nice guy.
  9. I had the shittest NYE ever tbh. My friend told me he'd meet up with me at like 10, so I went into the city to meet up with him. When I called to ask where he was, he was like "home". So that friendship's gone. I had another party to go to but I didn't wanna go by myself, so I decided to just go home. On the bus home I started listening to 'Video Games' and by the time I got home I was having the most depressing night ever. I just laid in bed and listened to Lana and cried all night.
  10. So now that 2013 is officially over and we have no chance of another surprise album release like Beyonc
  11. So now that 2013 is officially over and we have no chance of another surprise album release like Beyonc
  12. Omg, are you kidding? Neighbours is such a mess though! Nobody from Australia likes it. Are you from England? I hear they love it there! And yeah, agreed. But even if he doesn't, we always have those beautifully Photoshopped nudes to check out.
  13. Omg, are you kidding? Neighbours is such a mess though! Nobody from Australia likes it. Are you from England? I hear they love it there! And yeah, agreed. But even if he doesn't, we always have those beautifully Photoshopped nudes to check out.
  14. :shocked: I CAN'T.
  15. :shocked: I CAN'T.
  16. AW. He's cute! And he looks like he could actually have a respectable job! (Step yo career game up, Stephen. ) I wonder if he'll appear in the new season of MCBL?
  17. AW. He's cute! And he looks like he could actually have a respectable job! (Step yo career game up, Stephen. ) I wonder if he'll appear in the new season of MCBL?
  18. If she adds 'Body Ache', this will be me tbh: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXrduhCoa1c# When's your baptism happening gorl? I may make an appearance as a sexy priest.
  19. If she adds 'Body Ache', this will be me tbh: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXrduhCoa1c# When's your baptism happening gorl? I may make an appearance as a sexy priest.
  20. I thought this was an adaptation of the Australian soap. Anyway, any movie in which Zefron shows at least one of his abs is good with me.
  21. I thought this was an adaptation of the Australian soap. Anyway, any movie in which Zefron shows at least one of his abs is good with me.
  22. Omg, I'm here for this movie tbh. It actually looks pretty dreadful but if we really do get zome Efron full frontal it will defs become one of my favourite films of the year. Also, death at me still having not changed the forum names on here. I used to be on KillItNow but left that flop forum a few years ago and copied the names of all their sections because I couldn't think of any new ones. I always planned on changing them after a while but never got around to it. #FlopHatesFags
  23. Omg, I'm here for this movie tbh. It actually looks pretty dreadful but if we really do get zome Efron full frontal it will defs become one of my favourite films of the year. Also, death at me still having not changed the forum names on here. I used to be on KillItNow but left that flop forum a few years ago and copied the names of all their sections because I couldn't think of any new ones. I always planned on changing them after a while but never got around to it. #FlopHatesFags
  24. Omg, interesting! Maybe she's getting pissed with RedOne's flop antics and is gonna release an independent album of Tramps demos? So wait, is this actually a band she had? Or is the name just like Marina & The Diamonds and designed to confuse everyone?
  25. Omg, interesting! Maybe she's getting pissed with RedOne's flop antics and is gonna release an independent album of Tramps demos? So wait, is this actually a band she had? Or is the name just like Marina & The Diamonds and designed to confuse everyone?
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