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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. We can pray. :'( Sadly I doubt she has many other options, I dunno who else would sign her tbh.
  2. Omg, I haven't watched this show for aaaages. I think I watched up to the second season, I remember the last episode I watched had them all in some fashion show. But then I read the books and the tv show wasn't that interesting to me anymore. Have they honestly still not found out who A is? Ugh. How long are they gonna drag that on for?
  3. I'm not surprised tbh. SyCo is a goddamn mess of a label and X Factor doesn't have a good track record in actually giving a shit about their artists. She should've joined Hollywood Records tbh. At least they get their albums released and they know how to market their teen stars.
  4. :roll: Here we go again.
  5. Right?! This is like when someone tried to tell me 'In The Sun' was a fan made title and Lana had never recorded a song with those lyrics. I was like, sure thing honey.
  6. Then we can go to the beach and watch me do this:
  7. Omg, I'm so jealous! :'( I'm pretty sure this exhibition was actually in Australia a few months ago but I never got to see it. IIRC, Slaydrey's iconic LBD from Breakfast At Tiffanys will also be there. I wish I could see it! :'(
  8. I think my joke just flopped majorly. I was making a joke about grinding coffee...nvm.
  9. At first I read this as Mark Ruffalo, and got kinda turned on, ngl. But then I checked back and now I have no idea hew you're talking about.
  10. Jennifer Coolidge is a GODDESS tho. Like her in Legally Blonde just slays my life! And her role in A Cinderella Story, omg, she's so good!
  11. No! You'll just have to join the membergroup and you'll be there! You should keep posting so you can get into the Exclusives section tho. That's where the real good shit is.
  12. I LIVE IN SYDNEY TOO! #PHFSydneyMeetUp
  13. Ignore Ashley's false information tbh, the Night Club is real and is coming within the next week.
  14. WHAT THE FUCK. Is this for real? If this is true, I'm actually completely disgusted by Luke. I always thought he was a douche for not letting her out of her contract, but this is just taking it too far. I'm so proud of K$ for realising she has a problem and being so open and honest about it, but she shouldn't have to be going through this at all. I just hope she's okay and she sues that absolute cunt for emotional abuse.
  15. He just thinks he's not gay. Once he meets me it will be an entirely different matter tbh.
  16. :shocked: Smh at me. You never told me this! I don't watch any Australian based show other than Q&A tbh, but even that's starting to bore me at this point.
  17. Cool! I always think that homemade coffee is the best thing to have in the morning.
  18. That was a goddamn mess. As if their voices/sounds are even vaguely alike!
  19. Cypher and Ashley need to band together to make this the best awards ceremony ever. Casey can provide live coverage of everyone's outfits from the red carpet!
  20. Lmao, not at all! I didn't mind her in that Nick and Norah movie, but she annoys me sooo much in this. I'm glad we're agreeing for once!
  21. Your wish is my command.
  22. That would be amazing tbqh. I always wanted 'Bloody Mary' to be released in time for Halloween.
  23. IT'S COMING ON THE RE-RELEASE! School's Out Friday: Kidz Reloaded - The Re-Up. I can't wait!
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