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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. Hmm, she's not bad! I quite like 'Ran For My Life', although I think what's letting her down for me is her production. Normally I like what Cirkut does but for some reason this is just coming off as kind of amateur to me. I bet she's one of those artists who'll just keep getting better and better tho!
  2. Omg, you are actually spot on with this post! I completely agree with everything you said about Gaga and Bey, and Brit as well to an extent. Let's not forget that Katy's album also flopped, probably because we were all expecting something "dark" like she promised and instead got songs like 'Roar'; and Warrior flopped majorly because we were all expecting cock-pop but Dr. Luke ruined that. Then there's Lorde who's doing really well right now, but only because she has had literally no hype around her and come out of nowhere. Her second album will probably flop when she's not able to use the "I'm only 16" card anymore and people hype her up too much. I'll be interested to see how Adele does with this next album as well; her stuff is always super hyped up but 'Skyfall' did surprisingly well. That said, if she just makes another 21, people will say she's too repetitive, and if she strays too far from her sound people will say she sold out. I'll be interested to see what happens.
  3. Take a test here to figure out what your mental age is and let us know below! I'm 19 irl and I got a mental age of 27, which I'm not too upset with. My brother is 23 and his mental age is supposedly 41, so at least I'm beating him.
  4. At first I thought you made a typo and then I noticed the shade...
  5. WE NEED NETFLIX IN AUSTRALIA. But yeah, the new season is starting soon, I'm so excited! The only queen I know so far is Adore Delano, who auditioned for American Idol a few years ago and who I subscribed to on YouTube for like a day before I got bored. But here's what all the girls this season look like:
  6. Don't forget Britney's iconic turtleneck! [img width=334 height=500] [img width=435 height=580] [img width=550 height=365]http://images1.mtv.com/uri/mgid:file:docroot:mtv.com:/content/ontv/vma/2006/images/galleries/make_out_club/britney_justin_getty.jpg?enlarge=false&matte=true&matteColor=black&quality=0.85
  7. Me too tbh. :'( I LOVE THEM ALL!
  8. I'll buy a couple of extra boxes too just in case we remember The Electrick Hotel or Prima Donna. :'(
  9. It is pretty addictive...Even worse, though, is all the things I wanna buy on there but can't. I have like 20 tabs open and each one has different things I want, but I can't afford any of them. :'(
  11. That beef was legendary tbh. I think Bea had a love/hate kind of thing with Betty tbh. I think she liked Betty as a person but at the same time she was jealous because Betty was more likeable, prettier and got more roles than her. But I remember Rue saying that Bea never wanted to go out with her just alone, she always wanted to invite Betty as well. I do think Bea loved Betty tho, I just think she didn't always knew how to show it.
  12. Farewell #ARTFOIL. You may have been able able to hold a good sandwich but you couldn't protect yourself against Cypher. :'(
  13. That's so exciting, omg! You touched a dress that Judy wore! JUDY FUCKING GARLAND! I know this has been a dream of yours for ages, I'm so happy for you and super jealous as well! I can't wait till it's twenty years from now and we can all go and visit Gaga's outfits in some exhibit together.
  14. This is all I could think of tbh. Who fucks someone who's just had sex with a prostitute? How classless can you be? She needs to get out ASAP before the negative association starts affecting her career tbh.
  15. I'll go and bulk buy some tissues in anticipation. :'( :'( :'(
  16. Fuck that shit. Ashley needs some street cred. Add a rapping Raven to the track and you'll have a #1 smash, guaranteed!
  17. You can pay via Paypal, cash order or cheque.
  18. She needs to stop blaming other bitches and take some of the responsibility of things for herself. She's always talking about how dedicated to her art she is and how she's a self-made pop star, so why isn't she sticking up for herself in these things? Also, 'Applause' was only released early because she herself leaked it, and even then it was only a week early. I doubt a week would have made that much difference to the music video, especially considering she'd been supposedly planning the first single for months. Same with 'DWUW'. She's the one who decided to release it as a single instead of 'Venus', so why wasn't she prepared? I stan for Gaga, but this bitch is starting to annoy me.
  19. Omg, really?! I never knew that! I remember watching a reunion special, but none of the girls were in character and Estelle was suffering with pretty bad dementia at that point so she couldn't be there. :'( I miss them! It's so weird how Betty was the oldest one out of all four and yet she's the only one left! I hope she lives forever, if she ever passes away I'm just gonna die of sadness tbh.
  20. Agreed! And I hear when they found out who A was, Omg, what a mess. Are they still doing that thing with Alison's twin or whatever? That kind of worked in the books but I feel it would be a total mess on tv for some reason.
  21. 2013 was meant to be year of the flops as well tho! We were meant to have new albums from Neon and Porcelain this year, but all we got was Sky. Not that I'm complaining, Night Time, My Time is flawless.
  22. Dear Cypher, Please stop spamming with such pointless emoticons or you will receive a warning. Thank you. Regards, The PopHatesFags Team
  23. Well, true. But I'm sure if 78 had wanted they could have organised a sitcom for themselves which would eventually lead to an album. I just think they weren't really interested in that Disney Channel life.
  24. I always thought 'Work Bitch' was about training your dog to shake hands or something. Surely Kidz Bop doesn't have a problem with that.
  25. He looks like a mentally challenged rabbit.
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