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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. The official poster has been revealed! I'M SO EXCITED!
  2. I actually didn't expect this tbh. None of her singles have been doing well lately and this one isn't as good as any of them, so I have no idea how it's doingso well. But as soon as I saw the thread title I was about to make a joke about rehab promo. You know me too well TCW.
  3. omg just photoshop a copy of ARTPOP there. PERFECTION. OMG. SOMEONE LEARN HOW TO EDIT GIFS.
  4. Lmao, what?! How do you even get it that wrong?
  5. Omg, you're so cute. :'( #TCypherInnocent
  6. The irony of a Britney stan commenting on someone else's downfall though... [img width=500 height=240]
  7. Don't worry, Ashley likes being on top.
  8. Tbh, I didn't even watch the first three seasons, so I can't comment on those. For me, I always wanted Sharon to win on season four, even though after the show finished she turned into a bit of an egomaniacal douchebag. I never liked Willam tbh, she always seemed like such an attention seeker and I never found her jokes that funny or her look that amazing. And in season five, I was always rooting for Jinx, even though again I didn't really like her after the show ended. Jade was super cute as well tho.
  9. Oh. That's not me then realistically, I'm like the biggest pushover ever.
  10. Yassss do it! I uploaded it here: http://pophatesfags.org/forum/index.php?topic=519.msg2540#msg2540
  11. I know she's signed as a writer but I have no idea if she's signed as a singer tbh...she released She's Got A Pulse independently so I guess not?
  12. Is she signed again, or what? If so, I doubt she'll get an album released this year, but I can see her getting a single out by the end of the year. Record labels seem to enjoy keeping her waiting. If she's still independent tho, she might release a new EP or mixtape for the fans. I'm dying to hear what her new stuff sounds like!
  13. Did you ever read our interview with Lolene? She talked about working with Lindsay there!
  14. YASS, it's amazing! It's super cheesy pop music but it's really fun! Gaga helped co-write a few of the songs back in like 2008, so you know it's gonna be good.
  15. These questions are so personal tho. "Have you ever had or knowlingly been responsible for an abortion?" Bitch, what the fuck do you think? Anyway... Yeah, I'm a slut. What of it?
  16. RIGHT. Also, what does "having bottom lines" even mean? Idgi. And 52, ha! Bitch, you old.
  17. Omg lmao yeah, there's so many! My favourite was the one where Dorothy was telling Rose how much she hated dogs and how allergic she was to them, even though they'd already had like two dogs living with them throughout the series up until then. Did you ever see the outtakes tho? They're hilarious! "You don't know what I sold back then." :stretcher:
  18. Omg, right?! Fuck that shit. I'm just gonna buy a full on wig and then I won't have to bother with any of that sticky shit. Clips are the way to go!
  19. I read the book too, but only after I'd seen the movie, so maybe that affected my thoughts about it. But I found the book a little pretentious and irritating at some points. The movie is like 1000x better.
  20. Yeah tbh. It annoys me when she pretends to be so open with her fans and brags about her relationship with them and then doesn't tell the entire truth about things like this. Like how we only found out the whole truth about the Perez incident from like 2011 a few months ago.
  21. I'm gonna post about my day on here as well because #yolo. Mine was super boring, I've been looking after my mum for like the past four weeks since she's out of hospital. So I've been cleaning, cooking, and running errands for her basically all day, and then when I get a chance to relax I'm sitting and watching tv with her to keep her company. So if I haven't been posting so much lately, that's probably why. Anyway, after I'd cooked her lunch and dinner, cleaned the house and spent my entire day looking after her my cunt of a father gets home and starts making a mess in the kitchen. Then he starts complaining because I didn't wash the pan after I made her lunch. Like, really cunt? I've been looking after your wife all fucking day while you act like a lazy pig and do no work around the house whatsoever. Go kill yourself.
  22. FLAWLESS! Or a trap remix of 'Beauty and the Beast' featuring Hilary Duff. I'm excited.
  23. $14 000... You could buy a car with that! But then again, what's a car without some flawless albums to blast through the speakers?
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