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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. Four metres? Omg! Imagine that thing wrapping itself around your mouth so you can't breathe...gross. I still feel kind of bad for it tho, on that boat like that with everyone prodding it and measuring it and stuff. I feel kind of mean watching it. It's not the squid's fault it's fucking huge. :'( Just leave it alone!
  2. #JusticeForSpencer #SellMoreThan1CopyPlease #LeakSuperficialRemix
  3. The colours are pretty dreadful tbh, and the material is just so prom. I can't with her rn. Moving this to the criminally underused 'Salon' section.
  4. Get NASA on that shit Gaga.
  5. I can't wait for the spinoff: $nook$ha & P-Wow Take Newshville!
  6. Add 'Birthday' by Leighton Meester and 'Happy Birthday Mr. President' by Marilyn Monroe and you've got yourself a perfect playlist!
  8. Mess at the fact that we had a six month anniversary celebration but I didn't even remember to make a one year thread. I can't with how lazy we are. But yay, happy birthday PHF! I'm so glad we're around for another year so I can keep getting to know you flawless people. Even though this shit is a lot of work, and gets annoying sometimes when my lack of Internet knowledge gets in the way, I'm super happy that we've stuck by it and we're still here standing today. :'( Now let's all pussy pop to this flawless old-school jam by Princess RiRi. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=leK4eoqwmfU#
  9. Heartbreaking story tbh. :'( She's such a fighter and I'm so glad she got through all the hardships in her life so that we can all enjoy her beautiful personality and music. Her new single 'Skyscraper' is out this Monday, make sure to invest in it. All proceeds to go the 'Elephantiboob Ladies Association'.
  10. Probably the social anxiety I have. I can't even leave the house without freaking out about people staring at me and overanalysing all the things my friend's say and do which make me think they hate me. You should see me before I go to parties, I spend like four hours in front of the mirror and just pace nervously around my house for like the entire day beforehand. The stupid thing is that as soon as I'm relaxed I'm like the funnest person to be around ever. It just takes ages for me to stop being so self-conscious and chill out a bit. :'(
  11. I love her, but you're right, this outfit is a total mess. She looks like someone who's child dressed up as a wizard for Halloween and now they're trying to recycle the cape by turning it into a dress. Flawless make up tho!
  12. Um, first of all, whoever he DM'ed was a total douchebag for leaking that shit. Poor kid is spilling his heart out to them and they don't give a fuck! But isn't he the one who cheated on Hilary with Lindsay? So why is he making out like she's the one who's screwed him over? She's too hot for him anyway so the discussion's superfluous.
  13. Ugh, I guess so. I just don't want K$ to turn into some parody of Snooki. She's already halfway there with her MTV show and now Pebe is just pushing her even further down the road to Jerseydom.
  14. Hey, I answered yes to incest as well. Someone give me a movie.
  15. Oooooh yeah, I remember that fan interview! I love her so much for doing that tbh, I hope she does another in-depth interview with a fansite like that before her album drops. And also, yayyy at her taking vocal lessons! My one problem with the Dignity era was that she never sang live, and it kind of pissed me off. I'd really love some more live vocals this time around.
  16. Oooh, okay then baby. Fair enough! As long as you're not out trying to shade the queen I'll be happy. But anyway, if she executes her comeback after the meltdown as flawlessly as Britney, I won't be mad about a downfall. But if she does a Lindsay and flops with her comeback, I'll be annoyed.
  17. Gaga shouid design a dress called VIOLANTIS which erases the entire world's memory of ARTPOP. Then she can replace R Kelly with Christina, stop the 'Aura' leak and premiere 'Gypsy' as the lead single.
  18. "When I was 18, Dr. Luke called me fat and I've never gotten over it. I started taking crack to lose weight and now I'm addicted. :'(" #ArrestDr.Luke #ExportDr.LukeToBarbados
  19. I just watched Thelma and Louise for the first time. Flawless movie tbh. I wish I owned a gun. :'(
  20. Lmao yes, she made this video before her first album even came out! The shade of the Youtuber who made this tho!
  21. RIGHT. It's so dumb! I wish American peeps could just move on from the past and actually look at racial issues sanely instead of viewing everything through some lens of hatred. It's like when Miley twerks, people call it "cultural appropriation", but when Rihanna records a dance album, no one bats an eyelid. The double standard is just ridiculous. Society will never get anywhere if people keep living in the past.
  22. What the fuck is Pebe doing? This is getting trashier and trashier and is starting to look more and more like a publicity stunt. She should just quiet down and focus on getting Ke$ha better. I'm fine with her #exposing Dr. Luke, but honestly, no one needs to know about her going to rehab. And if anything, she should have said it on Twitter, not been like, "Oh, I'm so upset. I'm gonna go to rehab, but first I need to call People to make sure they get the exclusive". She could have at least called PHF.
  23. I think you got it pretty spot on when you were talking about the lack of album releases this year L. Sure, there's probably been a bunch of people like Drake and other irrelevants releasing singles, but that doesn't mean they have to get to #1 or the music industry's racist. Also, why do Americans have such an obsession just with black people? There's more Hispanic people than there are black people in North America rn, and yet the focus is always on African-Americans. It makes no sense to me.
  24. Yeah, exactly! Idk, I think because it was Cirkut I was expecting some Dr. Luke style songs...and then we got this. It's not bad though, just not what I expected.
  25. I wanna know what kind of kinky things you've gotten up to tbh. You can't have gotten that score without some incest, beastiality or necrophilia.
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