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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. Hunter Hew tbh? I'm just here for Lana's surprise performance.
  2. THANK YOU CYPHER. I'm using this now!
  3. Omg, I wish the first one was official tho. She looks legit flawless!
  4. OOOOH YEAH, 'Save Me' was one of my faves from the album, I loved it! And omg, 'Roman In Moscow' was another one I loved. I still have no idea why that wasn't on the album and 'Gun Shot' was.
  5. Is that a threat Ashley? I'm warning you right now: my uncle is a lawyer and I have contacts in the cyber police. If anything happens to me, you're the first person they'll be looking for. Your Illuminati powers will have no effect on me as I am a man of God.
  6. Bobby Campbell!
  7. Omg. Well you are technically straight. This is probably a good thing.
  8. More importantly, if you were downloading Photoshop purely to use in your scam, why were you stupid enough to ask me for it? I think you were secretly resenting Ashley for her coercion of you into this scam, and hence were seeking a way out and trying to let me catch you. If you admit to everything now, return the credits you stole to their rightful owner, and give the Flaming Fag award to whom it should belong, I won't ban you. Think about it Cypher. Do the right thing.
  9. What? I don't get it. I was expecting to see one nekid ad and one clothed ad and all I got was two underweared ads.
  10. SHADE. But lbr, this isn't the first time that's happened. That site goes down more than Infidelity in a Chick-fil-A.
  11. Aww, I know the feeling boo! :'( But I'm sure your thighs are majestic and beautiful!
  12. RIGHT. I found Asylum super boring as well! It just kind of went nowhere, and I didn't find the characters interesting at all. This season is super amazing tho! I still haven't watched season one, but I'm gonna do it after this season's over tbh. Everyone's telling me good things about it so I can't wait! I honestly have no idea who the next supreme is anymore...I really wanted Nan to be HBIC, but it doesn't look like she will be anymore. I think Misty or Cordelia would both be amazing supremes, but I don't think they'll actually get there given how cynical this show is. It will probably be Madison tbqh, as much as I hate to say it!
  13. Is Lohanthony the guy who Katy Perry always tweets? If so, it sounds like he could actually be a pretty reliable source! But when she says "record" she probably means single, not album. Also, what's with all these people just like leaking the contents of DM's they get from celebrities? If it was me, I'd keep messaging them to build up a trusting relationship before asking them for nude pics and leaking them everywhere.
  14. I doubt that's all there is to the story. The media likes to spin things to give everyone a victim to get behind but I'm pretty sure the school wouldn't just kick him out for no reason or they'd be liable for a lawsuit.
  15. These two are the only cute ones imo: [img width=650 height=433]
  16. Omg, aren't you always with this show?
  17. I know! :'( Wasn't there a video she filmed for Pink Friday that we never got as well? I remember her saying that she'd release it at some point but I don't think it came out! First signing: us.
  18. What's happened to them? They've all gotten ugly. I hate to say this but Niall is now the hottest one there. Harry has failed me. :'(
  19. TRUTH. Take notes Bieber! This is how a true reinvention is staged!
  20. #SHOTSFIRED But anyway, Orbit's demo was just as Autotuned as the final version, so he can't really talk when it comes to that. But that glitch is a total mess, whether it's his or will's fault.
  21. If the Grammy's doesn't like having a white popular people winning the rap awards, they should change the awards from 'Best Rap' to 'Best Hip Hop'. As it is, Ke$ha is being snubbed by not having her flawless raps even nominated for a rap award.
  22. Actually one of my favourite songs from her ever! Anyway, even tho she's not working with Dr. Luke, it doesn't mean she has no options. I'm sure Max Martin, Benny Blanco, Claude Kelly, Cirkut, Billboard and Ammo would all be more than happy to work with her.
  23. I have to wait to watch it with my mum so she doesn't get scared. I'm excited tho!
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