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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. Omg, to be completely honest I'm just surprised you've managed to remember that many different melodies! But yeah, I totally feel you on not wanting to finalise them by adding instrumentation. Sometimes even when I write a song to a beat I've found online I think it will sound amazing, but by the time I've recorded it I'm just so sick of my voice, my recording software, and the song in general that I end up hating it. But I guess it's good to try anyway! Omg, Midnight sounds amazing as well! Ughh, I wish we could hook you up with a producer so we could make these songs a reality and I could hear them for real. You could be the next Lana/Gaga mashup!
  2. Omg, I wish. I hope Sue Syllvester makes a guest appearance as Jessica's child if this is true!
  4. But lbr, no self-respecting homo would get that haircut either. All gays know that that look is not cute on anyone.
  5. No excuse tbh. I'm blonde but I still don't say "shoutout ladies get on this".
  6. Confirmed by Austin Mahewn! I can't wait tbh. Stars Dance is a total jam and one of the funnest albums of last year. I hope she brings it again with some hot dance songs and more 'Birthday''s!
  7. Omg, that's a flawless title tbh. I can't believe you've written that many songs! Do you work with instrumentals or on some instrument or something? I WANNA HEAR. #LEAKORNAMENTALEGO #JUSTICEFORVALLEYOFPALLMALLS
  8. Omg, that is SO good. I love how much thought you've put into it! Is this actually an album you're planning to release?
  9. True, Adele would have made an amazing duet! Although tbqh I'm kind of glad she doesn't have Birdy, that bitch pisses me off. I don't even know what songs she's gonna sing with Gaga and Bey tho! At this point Barbra's covered every standard song about twenty times, so I have no idea where she's gonna go next.
  10. I love how everyone in that gif just moves in synchronicity...like even the people around here are practically jumping out of their seats before sighing and sitting back down.
  11. Agreed. #JusticeForTheWanted #BanOneDirection
  12. :shocked: THE SHADE. I ACTUALLY LIKE IT! It's a different look for her but I think she looks pretty! I'm just not a fan of the pose she's lying in, it gives her an awkward double chin and makes her ass look hella big. But that's more the photographer's fault than it is hers.
  13. Omg, she's too cute. Only a classy bitch would continue supporting someone who had publicly attempted to drag them! Love her! Omg, did you have tickets to go?! I was thinking about it but none of my friends like her and I didn't want to be that one person who's just going to the concert alone.
  14. Legend X teaching Shitney how it's done!
  15. Marry me so I can get a green card and I will. Omg, I can imagine New York going crazy. #GetMoAGreenCard #StillWaitingForThemToDeportBieber #MyCatAndIAreComingFirstClassOnAShipTBH
  16. "Dykes"? "No homo"? Really? #BanTwoFacedlemore #StripTwoFacedlemoreOfHisGrammy
  17. How could this be Femme Fatale era? They actually got her hair and makeup on point here and didn't settle for this absolute mess:
  18. Omg, Lost is another thing I have to watch! Everyone tells me it's super good but I've never even seen an episode.
  19. I find it really weird that a southern, conservative state like New Mexico has legalized gay marriage while California, which is basically famous for being full of flawless faguettes, still hasn't.
  20. :hail: GET READY FOR $LAY$HA!
  21. I hope you're not supporting their homophobic asses. #PopHatesPeopleWhoUseTheWordFagNonSatirically
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