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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. And by that point he'll probably be back livin' it up in a Los Angeles mansion he shares with Selena. :'(
  2. Omg, this show is legit a NIGHTMARE to try and find streaming links for. All of them are super dodgy quality and you can't even see people's faces properly! :'( I wish I had Netflix as well!
  3. I'll try my best! My mum wants me to watch it with her, but do you think it's appropriate mother-son viewing or should I watch it on my own?
  4. YASSSS AZEALIA! I was so worried after she sold her house just to fund her album which then went unreleased...I'm so glad that she was able to rent a broom cupboard with the profits of that 'Bad Girl' remix. But omg, the comments on that video. I can't.
  5. Omg, I remember this girl! I haven't heard much about her lately but she was all over the news a few years ago. Tbh, I'm surprised the American government isn't doing more for her. You'd think they would at least get her transferred back to America so they could trial her there using a fair court and jury that hadn't been tarnished by the Italian media. I feel really bad for her tbh, but at least she knows that she has the public's support behind her, and honestly I don't see her spending all those 28 years in prison. If she's not returned to the US within a year I'll be super surprised. Also, random question, but couldn't she have just returned to America after being proven innocent and not submitted herself to the Italian police for another trial? Why did she even stay in Italy to begin with?
  6. You're so brave! I didn't download the album when it leaked, which I was super proud of, but I did watch the iTunes Festival performances and download all the promo singles, AND listen to all the previews on Amazon. It's so hard to resist!
  7. Omg, okay, apparently it is, as of June 28, 2013. HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW THIS CYPHER?
  8. Like, it's our big, three month holiday we get at the end of every year. Kind of like spring break I guess but during summer instead.
  9. Nooo way! But they're such different shows! This is like when I found out Glee and AHS had the same writers.
  10. Omg y'all, apparently the US government has actually promised that if any petition reaches 100,000 signatures, they'll officially respond to it. So we can expect an official comment on this some time in the next few months!
  11. Is that legit? I just found out the other day 'Sexy People' was removed from YouTube for too much disco vagina.
  12. The bags... The lip injections... The awkward pose... The dead eyes, of which one is more open than the other... The attempt to increase the brightness so far that all you can see is her pupils... Baby, Photoshopping...it should be easy. It shouldn't be complicated. It should be easy. I don't know how else to say it.
  13. Omg, what?! Does Britney have a show on tonight? If so, I bet Gaga's just visiting her in Vegas. But omg, could you imagine if they duetted on 'Telephone' while she was there? I would legit combust.
  14. That's so cute! Omg, I still have to watch this show. Is it bad that I've watched more of The Carrie Diaries than I have Sex And The City?
  15. I second this awkwardly worded request.
  16. OMGG THAT WOULD BE AMAZING! Hopefully now they've got a bigger budget Ru will be able to afford more than one wig as well.
  17. Right?! Maybe it's just for a film soundtrack or something tho. Either way, I can't wait for some more music from Godlena!
  18. Omg, to be completely honest I'm just surprised you've managed to remember that many different melodies! But yeah, I totally feel you on not wanting to finalise them by adding instrumentation. Sometimes even when I write a song to a beat I've found online I think it will sound amazing, but by the time I've recorded it I'm just so sick of my voice, my recording software, and the song in general that I end up hating it. But I guess it's good to try anyway! Omg, Midnight sounds amazing as well! Ughh, I wish we could hook you up with a producer so we could make these songs a reality and I could hear them for real. You could be the next Lana/Gaga mashup!
  19. Omg, I wish. I hope Sue Syllvester makes a guest appearance as Jessica's child if this is true!
  21. But lbr, no self-respecting homo would get that haircut either. All gays know that that look is not cute on anyone.
  22. No excuse tbh. I'm blonde but I still don't say "shoutout ladies get on this".
  23. Confirmed by Austin Mahewn! I can't wait tbh. Stars Dance is a total jam and one of the funnest albums of last year. I hope she brings it again with some hot dance songs and more 'Birthday''s!
  24. Omg, that's a flawless title tbh. I can't believe you've written that many songs! Do you work with instrumentals or on some instrument or something? I WANNA HEAR. #LEAKORNAMENTALEGO #JUSTICEFORVALLEYOFPALLMALLS
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