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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. Omg, this sounds so similar to what happened with me! My parents bought me the first season last September for my birthday and I literally got up to about episode three as well before giving up on it. But when I was looking for new tv shows to watch a few weeks ago, I found the old DVD and decided to give it a second chance, and after that I was pretty hooked! You might wanna give it another go, as I feel that the general tone of the show is pretty difficult to get used to but once you're used to it you can start to enjoy the really quite brilliant characterization of each character and sort of see where Lena Dunham's going with it.
  2. Does anybody else watch this show? I started watching a few weeks ago and I'm now up to date! It took a while to get used to but it actually has grown on me, even though I still feel like the plotlines are a bit all over the place and the writing could be better. What do you guys think?
  3. Ughhh yes, I totally agree! Omg at Kathy and Angela both being confirmed, they are two of the baddest bitches on the show. And lmao, yeah, I don't really like Emma as a person either but I did super like her character on the show! Taissa is a pretty good actress imo, and I like the sort of youth and innocence she brings to the show, but that said her character is pretty dull so I guess I could do without her as well. We need some more male eye candy this time around tho! Last season was pretty much all women and I want some beautiful men to feast my eyes on.
  4. Australia! I thought you got NetFlix for free over there?!
  5. I guess you have a point, season three wasn't that scary. But I didn't find season two that scary either! It was mainly just a heap of gore and violence which I'm not really here for either. I want suspense, horror, and a little gore to top it off, not just an all-out blood bath. But omg, they had so many great actors this season as well, it's gonna be really difficult to top it! I hope Kathy Bates, Angela Bassett, Gabourey Sidibe, Emma Roberts and Taissa Farmiga can all return in some capacity, even if they're not all main characters.
  6. A Vevo exclusive released on YouTube and iTunes...kay.
  7. Oh. Silly Fed-Ex. I guess my invitation got lost in the mail.
  8. Agreed! She's lucky that she's gone with a pretty simple idea and font so that regardless of the theme or mood of the album, she'll always be able to change colours and textures so that the cover can match the album. I can't wait to see what she serves us for UV, omg.
  9. If only Michael was in the plot next to them, maybe those girls wouldn't be so messed up. EDIT: Omg, I actually meant to post the Hottie walking away sassily gif, but I kinda like having the Liz Lemon dancing gif here more. Leaving it as it is tbh.
  10. Y'all know I'm aiming for that UCLA life, but if not San Diego looks like a good option. Keep your fingers crossed for me.
  11. His grandmother is a true martyr, suffering for everyone else's happiness. She should be given a sainthood.
  12. Ughhh, fuck that tbh. You can find some links on vodly if you just Google it, but like I said they're super bad quality and almost unwatchable. :'( Where are you from baby? I hate that anyone outside the US can't use NetFlix.
  13. I'm sure there are good managers and individual stores, but I can't support the overruling company policy. Being gay isn't a disease and people don't have to donate to anti-gay charities to try and "cure" people, especially when they don't even know that that's what they're supporting. If anything they should make their donation records public so people can decide for themselves if they want to give money to them or not.
  14. I mean, it was okay hair. But Disney just needs to find a new metaphor to use. Why can't the next princess be known for her incredible big toes? Or beautiful cuticles?
  15. I think you're missing the point, which is: fat people dancing is always funny.
  16. I'm here for her writing more songs, but how the fuck is she meant to be helping Ali with her career? Bitch has no credibility in the industry and every project she touches seems doomed. If anything the fact that Ali has the same last name as her is a curse.
  17. Did anyone watch this video when they were like twelve? Me and my friends used to find it the funniest thing ever, along with that Potter Puppet Pals shit. I think Rihanna might have ruined the song for me tho. :'(
  18. I'm kind of surprised tho! Like even though they weren't as big as 1D, it really seemed like they had a fair few fangirls. I'm shocked their label just gave up on them so quickly.
  19. Omg, how weird! Well now that her and Gagz are officially in contact, I'm sure we'll get a brand new, flawless, 2014-sounding duet from the two of them.
  20. Omg, upload a screamo song you wrote tbh! It would be the first screamo song I've actually listened to!
  21. Emotionally young, not physically young tbh.
  22. This is so cute! I love when artists have one template which they use for all of the albums, like The Weeknd or whatever.
  23. Lmao, they should have CGIed her like they did in Machete! But omg, I watched the first Sin City for the first time the other day. I was pleasantly impressed! Gaga and Joseph are both great additions to the cast, I know they'll fit right in. Plus I'm super glad Jamie King is coming back, she's such an underrated talent! I just wish she'd brought Lana with her. :'( And I'm super annoyed Devon Aoki isn't returning, I hate when they just randomly change actor's between sequels without any explanation. But I'm sure this will be amazing anyway!
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