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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. This is what I thought as well tbh! It's sort of standard for people to start starring in Coke (or normally Pepsi, actually) commercials when they become famous, so I think she was just using this as a sort of metaphor for fame. It is kind of a weird coincidence though.
  2. Seriously? Like...seriously? People chose to buy this over 'Do What U Want'? I did like this song for about a minute, but it's so outdated and overrated at this point. I really hate the general public sometimes, ugh.
  3. Aww, that's sweet baby. A lot of us discover our genitalia around that time!
  4. Um, sorry Ashley, but NO. 'Marry The Flop' is clearly about MARRYING SOMETHING WHICH IS NOT A HUMAN, which can then lead to homosexuality, beastiality, and incest. Homosexuality is a SIN and should NOT be encouraged.
  5. Agreed with both of you. Bonnie does have her more serious songs, it's just that they're not really getting released yet. I think if we got a full album from her we'd be able to see more dimensions of her personality, but as it is it's just coming off a little fake.
  6. Wut. Is the one on the left her is well? Does she have a flu? I'm so confused.
  7. I can't with this shit. This Harry/Louis shipping is just ridiculous. It's disgusting to ship two real life people together. Don't you know how awkward that must be for them? It's also a lie, because Harry is clearly fucking with Nick Grimshaw every night. You don't need to be a genius to figure that one out.
  8. Maybe if you didn't spam so much I would be more inclined to give you free credits.
  9. Thank you for your kind and inspiring words Ashley. I now realize that I was in the wrong and will endeavor to change my behavior in the future. We sometimes forget that it is all to easy for the #Bullied to become the #Bully but it is important we are reminded. Thank you too for the beautiful song. It made me cry.
  10. Oooh, really?! I didn't know that! I still don't know why they didn't just release it as a promo single or something. It seems weird to put that much work into it and then just cancel it out of nowhere. Yesssssss, someone needs to leak it. :'( #BringBackiLeaks #LeakWhiplash
  11. Obvs inspired by the scorpion found on Venus.
  12. This would actually be amazing. Their vocals are actually pretty similiar so they'd gel well unlike Miley and Brit! This is the weirdest thing ever. People are actually getting excited over a Flo Rida song.
  13. Another broken promise...:'(
  14. Is that Courtney's official album title?
  15. As long as you don't turn into a totally horrible stage mother and Lawrence turns gay, I'll be here for this.
  16. I honestly believe it's a human rights violation tbh. :'( #SeekAsylumForMo #GetMoAGreenCard2014 #HomeOfTheBrave
  17. Ooooh, well that's okay then I guess, as long as he's not making money off it I don't care what he does. Although it is still tacky that they're making a celebrity out of someone who committed a heinous crime. Idek what to say about Casey Anthony tbh. Maybe the jury knows something that we don't, but it still seems unjust to me.
  19. Still waiting for the return of MegaVideo tho.
  20. Just for two minutes of this: [img width=500 height=282]
  21. Stop spamming.
  22. Omg, apparently it was 2004. That's like a decade ago, back when I was in Year 4! How cute!
  23. Omg, I wanna go to Tokyo so bad. :'( It looks amazing!
  24. True. The Lucky magazine cover was the worst.
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