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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. You know, now that I listen again, I think he actually said "I love Harry" under his breath. How did I miss it!
  2. This tbh. His publicity stunting is obvious and just makes me dislike him even more. I can't wait for his next album to flop.
  3. Omg, kill us. :'( Lemme see if I can find it somewhere out there! It's weird that she was actually pretty big in the US at one point due to American Idol, yet this never blew up...strange.
  4. There's some bitch on here who's constantly making up lies about their life with no proof to back it up, and then contradicting everything they say on other websites we're both a part of. If you're going to act out living an entirely made-up life, at least commit to your role and keep your story straight.
  5. Horny. When are you getting here? The whipped cream and chocolate sauce is waiting.
  6. Ugh, I hate that so much. :'( But at least you're not still trying to find Milla Jovovich songs months later...she's completely unknown so nobody's even uploaded her stuff anywhere, so I have to just rip it all off YouTube. :'(
  7. Don't do it! Bitch already took all my credits thanks to the pre-nup she made me sign, and left me with two children and a dog to look after. :'( #Justice4Mo #FeedTheFaggot
  8. Agreed, but I don't know why he or this wrestling organization thinks it's a good idea to continue perpetuating that status. If anything he should be hiding out somewhere and hoping that people forget what his face looks like.
  9. Omg, I finally got around to watching this. I sort of agree with both of you to an extent, but I really think the whole episode in general was a bit of a mess. I loved Queenie as a character, but she did not deserve to be on the witches council. She killed a heap of people, not to mention tried to have sex with a minotaur, so basically she's just a fucked up bitch and if anyone needed to burn at the stake, it was her. It should have been Misty who remained on the council with Zoe; that or Nan should have come back. I love how they just wrote Marie out as well, with no one even noticing she'd left. Plus the creepy doll butler guy just disappeared...I'm guessing Kyle may have killed him, but who really knows. I always wanted Cordelia to find him with that baby and steal it away from him, as that's what most of the first half of the season was about for her; having a child. And no one seemed as upset about Madison dying as they should have been. I agree that the whole metaphor for LGBTQ thing was a little off, although I didn't really mind it too much. Also, I really enjoyed the reasoning behind Fiona's mistrust of Cordelia. It actually made sense character-wise and had some real-world signifigance. Ultimately, it was an okay finale, but it should have been better imo. I hope next season they plan the storyline out a little better so that it doesn't just end in a clusterfuck like this one did.
  10. I hope my dad beats me up for being gay, then I'll be even more famous.
  11. That video is such bullshit. But the sounds are so scary.
  12. YASSS AT YOU INCLUDING 'SUBTITLES'. And 'Haunted' too, omg. :'( This will be the perfect playlist for me when I'm lying in bed with my cat on Valentine's Day. Also, that video.
  13. Omg, that wasn't realy her who made that Tweet. It's an account called @SkyFanFic which makes hilarious Tweets supposedly about her life. It's so funny tho! But eek, I didn't even know there was a double disc of Circus and Blackout! I need it tbh!
  14. OMG YESSSS. I'm super excited that Sky has a song on there BUT I'M MORE EXCITED FOR BLOODSHY. Some of my favourite work from both Sky and Kylie (and Britney too tbh) comes from Bloodshy & Avant! I can't wait! Also, did y'all notice that there's a song called 'Sleeping With The Enemy' on there? Do you think it could be a reworking of 'American Dream'?
  15. OH. The other cylinder shaped thing you put in your mouth. I got you sis.
  16. Ugh, so annoying. Do you think you'd be able to upload the first album for me boo? I really wanna give them a chance!
  17. Seriously? With those patchy-ass eyebrows? And that beard which is longer than the hair on his head? He looks like a hipster version of Perez.
  18. :shocked: :hail: :rockon:
  19. DON'T YOU WISH THAT YOU COULD BE A FLY ON THE WALL! *runs through carpark dramatically*
  20. Wait, are you sure Gaga never laid down vocals for 'Red Flame'? I know 'Ratchet' definitely had vocals from both Gaga and Azealia, so I just assumed 'Red Flame' was the same.
  21. Mine would probably be the $120 one. My wand on PotterMore is elm which is apparently an expensive wood but I'd definitely wanna get it!
  22. Yeah, I kind of agree. I think that's probably the reason why she's trying to make this e-book thing work out for Hannah, so she can write more from her own experience and not have to jump back so far in time.
  23. Lmfao, fair enough! I think when it first came out it might have been a bit more risque, but I guess things have changed a lot since then and people are a bit more open about sex. Once I've watched it I'll let you know what I think!
  24. Let's drink some red cordial and twerk and lip sync to Nicki Minaj songs. Then maybe Katy Perry will notice our Tweets. :'(
  25. Lmao, I'm totally kidding. She probs had no idea about the Venus scorpion and just did it for attention.
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