Oooooh yeah, I kind of remember because he was dead he could save Fiona because she was almost dead. But then Marie or whatever could talk to him as well, so like, what?
They didn't even ask her to leak them tho, they just asked where they were. None of the songs appeared on the Utopia LP or EP and she hasn't released them on SoundCloud or anything, so I think it's a fair question to ask.
Yeah, it's a good idea tbh. It will give us a chance to get to know all the queens a bit more personally before having to say goodbye to them after like five minutes, But omg, seriously, no immunity? This is gonna be so fucking dramatic, eeek. I can't wait to watch!
That sounds like my entire family tbh. They all claim to be completely non-racist, but as soon as someone pisses them off, they'll immediately bring race into it. "Oh, they always treat women like that in Asia". "I guess I can't be mad at him yelling at me like that, all Arabs do that kind of thing". It's so fucking embarrassing tbh.
Thank you for your advice Ashley. Next time he invites me over I will go and bring a bottle of wine I stole from my dad's freezer. Then we can both chat and fuck. Thanks again!
Source This is so ridiculous tbh. Katy's team probably just found that necklace in some costume department and thought, "oh, this would look good in a video". People need to stop being so damn sensitive about every goddamn thing when it comes to religion, race, etc. There is child slavey and labour, poverty, disease and wars going on in the world and yet all people wanna talk about is one frame in an irrelevant pop music video.
It definitely is. It was written by Fraser T. Smith, Coco Morier, Kasia Livingston and Shelly Peiken. I can definitely hear some Coco vocals on there, and another female voice (who I'm guessing is either Kasia or Shelly), but no Brit vocals sadly. :'(