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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. I read about this the other day but I'm really not sure who it could be about tbh...Rihanna is still working on her album as far as I know, and it's meant to be released alongside a film which is ages away from being released. It could work for Madonna, but I'm guessing as her singles have been flopping lately they wouldn't risk having no one know about the album. It really needs to be done by someone super relevant who can promote it despite their not being a physical edition of the album to push. Adele could work, but considering a lot of her fans are ancient I doubt they'd even know how to work iTunes. Also, she's not really forward-thinking enough as an artist to pull this off imo. I'm actually thinking it could be XTina for some reason, although who knows how far along she is with her next album.
  2. I wanna hear more about what she got up to with Sam Ro and the rest of her lesbian lovers. Maybe there's another list for that?
  3. Omg, that's dreadful. :'( Silly bitch tho! Eric isn't gonna fall for you while you're writhing in pain on the ground sis! I'll be interested to see how Sofia works with that story tho. I feel like she's probably going to update it somehow for a modern day audience, but in that case she'll have to rework the story a fair bit. I don't think I would fall for a prince and a mermaid hanging out in 2014. YOUR TEA IS SO ON POINT HERE. I would loooooove a movie based on that game, the character design is so amazing. It seemed like they were working on one too, but it looks like plans for that fell through along with that version of Alice that Marilyn Manson was working on. :'( I wish we'd gotten those instead of the Disney one tbh.
  4. More names have been revealed!
  5. I still haven't watched the second episode yet! Is it any good? I agree with you when you talk about her just saying what the camera wants from her, but I think it's good that the show is giving an unbiased opinion of her and not spinning it as either "Lindsay Lohan's trainwreck reality show" or "Lindsay Lohan's amazing comeback".
  6. She posted this on Instagram a few days ago! Hopefully this is an indicator that her debut album will actually get released finally, and not a hint that she's working on new music for a soundtrack or something. Is anybody else into this girl? I'd completely forgotten about her until 'Put Your Graffiti On Me' came up on Shuffle the other day and now I'm as obsessed with it as I was like two years ago.
  7. Oh my god, I didn't realise how many songs we were all missing until you guys listed them for me! We really have heaps to go! I'm also excited to hear about all those potential Ultraviolence titles. I hadn't even heard of any of them until now but I'm pretty excited as 'Smoke & Mirrors' is a pretty classic Lana title and the prose behind 'Beautiful Machine' is amazing. I can't wait for this album now, omg.
  8. RIGHT. Like, I get why studios are doing it, because everybody knows these fairytales and it's obvious they're gonna sell well. It's the same as the superhero movies; they're all big-budget blockbusters with a good cast that the studios know are gonna sell consistently even if they're not well written in the slightest. But eventually the GP is gonna get super bored of this constant barrage of remakes and give up on them all tbh. That happens in the original story? That's incredibly depressing! So she never got with Prince Eric? :'(
  9. Millie Brown, aka "that girl who threw up on Lady Gaga" has released an official statement about the work!
  10. Courtney Love fan sites do not count as legitimate sources Ashley.
  11. Cars 3... The Incredibles 2... I can't wait for this tbh! The first one was definitely a fan favourite and a lot of people have been asking for a sequel for years! I'm gonna have to watch the first one again to remind myself of everything that happened tho.
  12. Apparently the circus theme is now back on. I love that they're making us question everything even before the show's started! I guess we can get excited again?
  13. Then how do I know your full name?
  14. Idek what Disclosure is tbqh, but I still love this cover. Can I ask what you used to draw the lines on Iggy's face? Was it the Pen Tool or something in Photoshop?
  15. You're both wrong, it's actually "poke out your tongue for me".
  16. I don't think consolidating loses quality, no. I'm pretty sure it just copies the file over into the iTunes Media folder, right? If it does, I've been slowly ruining my collection for like my entire life.
  17. I'm glad I'm repping dat 10.7.5 life at this point tbh.
  18. Omg, are you on HabitRPG as well? I have an account there which I used for like a few weeks. But even now that I'm not using it I've found the habits I've gotten into have actually stuck around, it's so weird!
  19. Wait, is this the same paparazzi who called Kim a "nigger lover" and tried to call out Kanye for being black? If so, he definitely deserved to be punched tbh, he sounds like a total asshole. If it's someone completely different I guess I can't really have an opinion. This is what I was thinking! I guess they're hoping that making him experience jail for a day will be enough to scare him into not breaking the law again, but good luck with that. P.S. Your new avatar is flaw free. :hail:
  20. Omg, this must have been around the time that Michael Jackson was feeling her up behind the rollercoaster at Neverland! But legit, she looks cute. It's nice to see she had her trademark 2009 hair even back here.
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