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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. You're the best! I can't believe I'd never even heard of this! It's pretty decent for a demo but I see why it was left off the album. Right? I actually think it's probably the most interesting song on the album in terms of lyrics and production but for some reason I just can never get into it.
  2. I'm sure that a lot of oil's been spilled down there.
  3. I've never even heard of Google Play tbqh. But I must say that Apple has put a lot of work into promoing iTunes. There's often billboards and ads for it regarding new releases, and the whole Beatles thing they did a few years ago made it a pretty big deal. If Google wants to get in on the digital music business, they need to do a better job of marketing their product.
  4. When I search for your e-mail on Facebook, your name comes up. A recent status shows you talking about Revenge, which we all know you're obsessed with. And furthermore, in a private message you sent to me months ago, you confirmed to me that it was your name. Do I really need to provide receipts of this?
  5. I just installed OS X like ten minutes ago! It's nice but not a huge improvement on Mountain Lion tbh. I'm glad we finally have the ability to read iBooks tho, and the new Calendar is much much better than the original one.
  6. Knowing Firecrotch, she would definitely not have settled with just a peck on the lips. I wonder if Zac liked the taste of Orlando's dick on his tongue?
  7. I'm the same way about subtitles. I know the subs are meant to be better and have more of the writer's original vision in them but I seriously don't have time to be staring at my computer screen for hours making sure I've seen every line of a script.
  8. GOD BLESS YOU! :hail:
  9. Why is it that all the drama always starts in the Lana threads?
  10. Okay, so I've only watched three episodes so far, BUT: Courtney seems sweet, but she's in total denial about her supposed "fame" in Australia. Her claim that she is a "household name" here is delusional. Not a single person I'm friends with would recognize her face or name, as Australian Idol was never that big over here. Adore seems like a sweetie and she's super endearing, but she needs to work on her preparation and focus. I'm actually liking Milk so far, I am LIVING for those legs. But I'm super pissed off that Vivacious got canned so early in the competition. Her looks were always on point and if she wasn't right for her acting part the blame should have gone to Adore for handing them out so sloppily. Not impressed Ru.
  11. YAAAAAAAAAASSS THESE ARE SO GOOD! The It's Free one is my all time fave, I looooove what you did with the background. The logo you came up with for Beg is perfect as well. Maybe for Borrow she could be borrowing some other bitches man for the night. You should Photoshop Taylor Kinney into bed with her or something.
  12. Ooooh cool. I've never even opened Illustrator tbh, I wouldn't have any idea where to start with it.
  13. Me too! I'm so pissed off she basically disappeared after her first EP. She actually has potential to find a niche in the market if her promo would focus on her dancing, looking hot, and basically being the next Britney instead of trying to make her sing.
  14. This new animated one is reminding me of Super Mario 64 tho. I hope it actually gets made unlike all the others they had planned. :'(
  15. Not a fan of the first three images but the last one actually looks cool imo. You know there's like a 1% chance they actually threw this up right? They probably just drooled it out to take a quick photo for Instagram.
  16. Yessss, the true Queen of Pop! :hail: Legit tho, she shot this in 2011, so basically FlopGa remains a reductive copycat.
  17. And yet, the e-mails that you sent me came from an address called tcypherw@blank.com. Is it just a coincidence that your "friend"'s email is exactly the same as your previous username? Do you make a habit of using the name that your "friend" came up with in all of your other websites, including all those Wikia's you help to run? Isn't it in fact true that you and your "friend" are one and the same, and that the two letters in the username 'TCypherW' are in fact strongly linked to your own real name? #ArrestCypherForObstructingJustice #YouHaveNoFriendsJustAnAlterEgo #DetectiveMoOnTheCase
  18. This is a totally random recommendation, but you should check out The Rogue Traders! They were super big in Australia back in like 2005. Here's their debut single: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrlhLaNClgw#
  19. I read about this the other day but I'm really not sure who it could be about tbh...Rihanna is still working on her album as far as I know, and it's meant to be released alongside a film which is ages away from being released. It could work for Madonna, but I'm guessing as her singles have been flopping lately they wouldn't risk having no one know about the album. It really needs to be done by someone super relevant who can promote it despite their not being a physical edition of the album to push. Adele could work, but considering a lot of her fans are ancient I doubt they'd even know how to work iTunes. Also, she's not really forward-thinking enough as an artist to pull this off imo. I'm actually thinking it could be XTina for some reason, although who knows how far along she is with her next album.
  20. I wanna hear more about what she got up to with Sam Ro and the rest of her lesbian lovers. Maybe there's another list for that?
  21. Omg, that's dreadful. :'( Silly bitch tho! Eric isn't gonna fall for you while you're writhing in pain on the ground sis! I'll be interested to see how Sofia works with that story tho. I feel like she's probably going to update it somehow for a modern day audience, but in that case she'll have to rework the story a fair bit. I don't think I would fall for a prince and a mermaid hanging out in 2014. YOUR TEA IS SO ON POINT HERE. I would loooooove a movie based on that game, the character design is so amazing. It seemed like they were working on one too, but it looks like plans for that fell through along with that version of Alice that Marilyn Manson was working on. :'( I wish we'd gotten those instead of the Disney one tbh.
  22. More names have been revealed!
  23. I still haven't watched the second episode yet! Is it any good? I agree with you when you talk about her just saying what the camera wants from her, but I think it's good that the show is giving an unbiased opinion of her and not spinning it as either "Lindsay Lohan's trainwreck reality show" or "Lindsay Lohan's amazing comeback".
  24. She posted this on Instagram a few days ago! Hopefully this is an indicator that her debut album will actually get released finally, and not a hint that she's working on new music for a soundtrack or something. Is anybody else into this girl? I'd completely forgotten about her until 'Put Your Graffiti On Me' came up on Shuffle the other day and now I'm as obsessed with it as I was like two years ago.
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