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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. OOOOOOOOOH I GET IT. I can't with you people having such a comprehensive knowledge of every single lyric in Lana's 5000+ songs.
  2. UGHHHHH A 'WHIP IT' VIDEO WOULD HAVE BEEN AMAZING. :'( It's like one of my favourite songs off that album, it's soooo hot! I can just imagine Nicki in some hot leather number going around and whipping her boys into shape. :hail:
  3. Let's not overlook the flawless VomitGa performance. That was pretty big news and was probably the only thing this era that's really captured the public's attention properly, although the 'G.U.Y.' video was pretty big news as well. Before that, I guess the FAME launch was pretty successful?
  4. OMFG YAAAASSS AT YOUR NAME CHANGE! It's fucking flawless tbh! I'm downloading this now, I'll let you know what I think after I've listened to it.
  5. I'm still pissed they're not working together tbqh, I was excited for a few minutes there. Where did Billboard even come up with this rumour? #BanBillboardBrazil
  6. The only one I "saw" () was I think number two, where the twist at the end is that all the events we were watching onscreen had actually happened days before we saw them. It was super gory but I actually really liked that plot twist they put in! Are there any others as good as that one?
  7. Yasss I love Slaynjulie! I've never even listened to anything of her first album but I do have a heap of her unreleased songs and they're all pretty good. Here's a few I think you're missing: Wonder Where You Are Dame (Feat. Shaggy) Allison Fuck You
  8. Am I meant to know what this line is relation to? Is it a leaked lyric from the song?!
  9. I've literally only figured out like one of these songs.
  10. I prefer 'Monster' tbqh but 'Teeth' is in my top eight.
  11. YAASSSSS. How are you gonna release it? Are you SoundClouding that shit?
  12. Omg, there was a video for that as well? Didn't she also confirm videos for 'Girls Fall Like Dominoes' and 'Save Me'? This bitch needs to get it together!
  13. Awww, that's so sweet! Did you sew the whole thing together or just iron on the letters? I wish I could sew and make beautiful outfits for Gaga. :'(
  14. Her "rebirthing" scenes are so boring at this point. She's done in one like every video since 'Born This Way'.
  15. Omg, Ruby Tuesday is a restaurant chain? We don't even have that over here! I thought it was gonna be about her lover giving her a ruby ring on a Tuesday. Oh well.
  16. For some reason 'Ruby Tuesday' is always the title that's intrigued me the most. I have no idea what it's about but it's a nice title! 'Kindness of Strangers' sounds promising too.
  17. Completely agreed! It's so disgusting to see all those negative comments online tbqh. What people still don't seem to understand is that addiction isn't just about people seeking attention; it's a legitimate disease that can affect you for years and years of your life. No one would be acting this way if she had cancer.
  18. Tbh, I just don't even acknowledge the 'ARTPOP' segment of the video. The song was so irrelevant to the rest of the project that I've just blocked out it was even in there.
  19. OMG, did you make that for her? That's so sweet! How did you even get it to her? I think he just did 'Speechless'! 'Teeth' was done by that other irrelevant Teddy Riley who tried to sue her after they worked together.
  20. Didn't Ron Fair work on The Dutchess? I'm here for it tbh.
  21. Don't give up sis! :'( We have to keep the faith that one day we'll bag Zac and all will be right in the world!
  22. 'I Like It Rough' 2.0... :rockon:
  23. YASSSSSSSSSS FINALLY! I hated that bitch tbh. She was so petty towards all the other contestants.
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