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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. Jealous of how smooth her hair is!
  2. YAS This is all coming together! I'm so happy she's with a label who's actually respecting her and getting her shit out there! I can't wait to hear it!
  3. It's really cute that Lily's such a Gaga stan and is always sticking up for her like this. I would die for a collab between this two, and I know it would do wonders for both of their careers!
  4. This is exactly why I can't take Tumblr seriously and ended up leaving it tbh. These people have nothing better to do with their days than accuse popstars of racism while they're behind their computer doing absolutely nothing to end racism or any other problem we have in the world. If someone doesn't have diversity in their videos, they're racist. If someone has too much diversity in their videos, they're racist. The fact is that 1/3 black men will go to jail and black people are disproportionately charged for non-violent drug offenses compared to white people. Black people are also of a much lower socioeconomic standard than whites. So how could it make sense that she'd be running around with a bunch of middle class Aryans if what she's doing is dealing drugs and getting prosecuted for it? It's clear that American society has bubbles of racism left, especially when it comes to African Americans, but I'm not sure why we're blaming Sky for being honest about it.
  5. She's 17 and has never touched alcohol? What does this bitch do with her time?
  6. Tbh unless she pulls a Beyonc
  7. Did Lorde really shade Britney? She needs to respect the original queen of Disney tbh.
  8. I just torrented Murder House tbh, I'm soooooo excited to watch it. I can't wait until the weekend so I can have a binge session!
  9. Her hair looks flawless to me tbh. But I agree that I want some long blonde by the time her next era comes around. And I know! This girl always seems to be sick. :'( It's probably because of how thin she is and how hard she works tbh.
  10. #WhiteRoses2.0TBH #FlopGaGetToWork
  11. Tbh the last No Doubt album was decent, but not amazing. After how long they'd been away for they really needed to come back with something flawless and there are really only two tracks that are flawless on that album ('Push and Shove' and 'Looking Hot'). There's a few others which are good tracks but the production makes them sound like just filler ( like'Undercover' and 'One More Summer') and then the rest just bores me tbh.
  12. It's clear that the cover of ARTFLOP and the "gayzing" ball was stolen from the first photo here tbh.
  13. One for every day of the week?
  14. I thought GQ was the one with all the sexy women on the cover. I'm so uneducated about men's magazines.
  15. RIGHT? The second generation was decent enough but the third generation just wasn't interesting at all to me. I'm pretty sure I've watched the first five episodes of season five like twenty times each but I just can't seem to get excited about it. :'(
  16. What? I don't think that's what she was saying at all. But even if that is what she meant, that's just stupid. I'm a feminine-acting guy, but that doesn't mean that any relationship I'm in with a masculine guy is doomed to fail. I actually loved her as well before these comments, but she's really pissed me off tbh. If she releases a statement or something I'll be happy to forgive and forget but for now I'm done stanning for this bitch.
  17. I'd be okay with her waiting until hiatus to promote it honestly, as long as she already has all the recording done. She should have around six months of the year off of the show in which she can promo, but if she has to record a brand new album on top of that she might have some trouble. Omg, don't even try that you bitch! You and I both know Hot In Cleveland is one flawless show. It says she's meant to be a single mother, so maybe she was just a housewife before her husband left? The premise is kinda silly tho, but as long as the scripting is good and Hilary is as flawless as ever I'll be super excited for this show.
  18. Oooh, sweet! I had a few friends who watched Being Human but I never got into it. I was too preoccupied with Skins for any more English dramas tbh.
  19. Thanks for spoiling it for me bitch. She deserved to leave tho tbh, all she did was do the fucking splits like a million times in every episode and she thought that would be enough to make it through the entire competition. Bitch, bye.
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