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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. I just remembered my external hard drive is completely MIA right now and so I can't make megaposts of anything tbh. But remind me when I get it working again and I'll post all my shit for you!
  2. NTMT is #2 on my list tbh, but that's just because I'm a Gaga stan and I would feel wrong putting anyone else at #1. It was a pretty flawless debut tho.
  3. There's a Britney demo? I'm still just waiting for the full Gaga version to leak tbh.
  4. This woman is a musical genius. If you've never heard any of her music before, you need to check out 'Paralyze'. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAdqlKHRIYk# Let me know if y'all need me to upload everything I have and I'll be happy to make a megapost.
  5. Flawless. Who else was there at the ceremony? Also, what do you think of this photo? Is it too edited? Not edited enough? Let me know what you think.
  6. The 20/20 Experience vs Beyonc
  7. The struggle is real for this bitch to continue her trail of #1's.
  8. Omg, I was gonna make a new thread for this but I might as well say it here: CONGRATULATIONS! I hope you had a perfect day and everything came together well! You and Lawrence both look flawless in the photos tbh. There's a few there I'd love to edit there so I'll try and do it over the next few days and get back to you ASAP! Are you still on your honeymoon now?
  9. :stretcher: DRAG HA CUNTPHER.
  10. Omg, you're right! I totally forgot about that shoot! I feel like she's already gone through so many transformations this era, both physically and personality-wise, it's so hard to keep up with.
  11. Both tbh, slay me with that Ke$hus 2.0 shit. And yasss, you betta! I'm actually so impressed with the lyrics of my first rap song, they just don't fit in at all with my actual voice. If Azealia needed a ghostwriter I would be her perfect pick tho tbh.
  12. ARTPOP begs to differ.
  13. Congrats! You're a true straight man!
  14. Was that a soccer reference I spotted there boo?
  15. Right? 'Partition' is still a jam, but sadly the rest of the album isn't up to that quality.
  16. She actually looks GORGEOUS in this shoot. Even though she's brought back the Famega wig, the actual style of the shoot is like the complete opposite of the TF era. Instead of being heavily stylised and futuristic, she's going for a hippie, bohemian vibe, and it's really cute! I hope she sticks with it for a little while!
  17. I swear to god, this bitch is so threatened by like all other female rappers. Even the ones she's collaborated with, like Shystie.
  18. Someone on this forum has to be with me in watching this flawless show. I just got through Season 4 but I love it so much, I wish it was on again already! I hate having to wait until October for it to air again. :'( Can anyone gossip about this with me?
  19. YAAAASSS. Still dying to hear your flawless voice tbqh, you better premiere it here first. I'm planning on buying a bottle of vodka so that I'll be able to rap my first single effectively tbh. When I do I'll let you know and we can collab on a hawt track.
  21. OMG, THANK YOU FOR TELLING IT LIKE IT IS SIS. I didn't like Bey's album that much either! It was decent-ish but it relied way too much on the promo gimmick to the detriment of the music imo. That's why I'm hoping with this one it will be someone like Gaga, or even Madonna I guess, who's a true multimedia artist and who's used to working in different fields while still making flawless music, something which Bey clearly can't do.
  22. At least they get bonus tracks. And J-Pop. :'(
  23. It's coming soon.
  24. HitsDailyDouble seems to have confirmed this! Although it kinda seems they're just reporting on the rumour of it happening, with no official confirmation from Gwen herself yet.
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