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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. Where hasn't he been? That boy is a total cumslut.
  2. Well, she (and the majority of her fans) seemed pretty happy with the 'G.U.Y.' video, and I'm sure that ARTrave will be flawless. Now we just need Part II to come out and save this era completely.
  3. This was confirmed! Even though I wish she was performing a new single on the show, 'Hollaback Girl' will definitely tide me over until the season finale at least. I might actually tune into this show just for her!
  4. What did she go through? I thought she was just some spoilt rich girl who didn't want to pay her taxes.
  5. Where the fuck is Paris tho?
  6. I heard that too! Apparently she's only releasing that album so that she can pay off her debts and get out of prison tho. She actually sounds like such a bitch, it's a shame her music is so good.
  7. Doesn't Lauryn Hill only have like one album tho? Her discography must be tiny!
  8. You haven't seen these gifs?
  9. Nooo don't even worry about it! I barely even noticed it! All the attention was on your beautiful face darling.
  10. They jumped to conclusions about why and where she wrote it, but they were right regarding what the list is actually about.
  11. A sexy couple of verses along with a 'I'm A Slave 4 U' reference and some talk of cunts, niggers, and faggots.
  12. Apparently she's working with DJ Khalil and Chin Injeti (hew?)
  13. Right? Lbr, she should have released the album while she was still on AI and feuding with Nicki. That's the only reason why '#Beautiful' did well.
  14. This one! [soundcloud][/soundcloud]
  15. Excuse you? 'G.U.Y.' hit #2 in Israel. #QueenOfTheMiddleEast #DoYouWannaSeeTheGodWhoLivesBehindTheBurqa
  16. OOPS. I legit thought that was like some stockings that had caught the light weirdly or something. Sorry boo.
  17. #GetMoAGreenCard #ArrangedMarriages2014 #WillingToHaveTheCatPutDownIfItHelpsMyChances
  18. MARILYN HEW? I just watched the last episode of Lindsay the other day, but she really didn't elaborate on the list at all. She brought it up and is claiming that she wrote it as part of step eight in AA, but the awkward thing is that she seems to think that step eight relates to your sexual history, when actually it's just about people you've harmed. So basically the list is legit of people she's fucked, but the reason she wrote it is beyond me.
  19. You need to check out 'I Like To Fuck'. It's like 'DJ' but about a million times more trashy and brilliant.
  20. If it hasn't happened after five lead singles, I can't see it working out for her now.
  21. OMG, STAHP THIS. I'm just imagining a sexy innocent little 18 year old Taylor getting with this scary old guy at his party...ugh, that's hot. Am I a freak?
  22. DEWWWWW IT. Would you be singing the chorus and rapping the verses, or...? And omg, you mean an instrumental or something? I actually wrote it to some Lil' Internet beat but if you wanna give me something else you've worked on I can try and write some lyrics for it.
  23. Britney should take notes. Maybe then 'Perfume' could have gotten top 70.
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