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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. I wanna know this too! But I'm kinda glad she's not as overexposed with the features now as she was a few years ago. I'd prefer like five perfect solo songs than twenty thrown together features.
  2. I still don't get the 'Bad Romance' bandwagon tho. 'Schei
  3. Even though I'm excited to see Ke$hus on TV every week, I wish this was another season of My Crazy Beautiful Life instead of another American Idol rip-off. Most of all tho I just want her to be back in the studio making some music tbqh. :'(
  4. She looks flawless! But whoever that bitch on the far right is in the third picture is totally stealing her look.
  5. The show sounds kinda flawless in it's production and stuff but I'm not a fan of the setlist tbh. Twelve songs really isn't enough given the fact that she has like one album, two unreleased albums, an EP and a new album on the way. She should be aiming to do around twenty songs at this point imo, especially given how expensive tickets can be nowadays.
  6. Please make some joke about the sea having a high tide today.
  7. New character designs revealed! LOVE THEM TBH. I hope the final animation is this pretty!
  8. Cypher, should we merge this with your list of Gaga's betrayals?
  9. With just a few more shots of Anne Hathaway this trailer could be flawless! Even though I'm kind of getting really tired of seeing MM in every single movies these days, I am excited for Chris Nolan's next film. Inception and The Dark Knight Rises were both amazing so I know this will slay us all. I can't wait!
  10. This actually looked really good! They totally should have worked out a proper story for it and extended it into a short film, like Kanye's 'Runaway'! They had all the stars, all the locations and shots, and all the songs needed to make it work. Too bad they just filmed this much.
  11. CALLED IT. I miss her dance songs tho, she better have a nice mix and not just all this emo shit.
  12. Um, flawless! I love the strings!
  13. You're a flawless queen who handled every situation today with superb grace and poise. I love you baby! Thanks for doing such a good job!
  14. Miss Swan >>> "I'm more wiser".
  15. YASSSS BISH PLUG THOSE BROWS! Get dat monobrow promo!
  16. You clearly haven't seen Matt Hughes' videos. I'd be more okay with it if it had been yours.
  17. I can't at her making all of her cash by singing lead background vocals for Britney, even after she dissed her hugely. Mess tbh.
  18. Why do you say that?! AWWWWWWW. I don't usually respond to tabloidy stuff but this isn't something I want being spread around. It sounded hateful but not what I meant. I never want hateful things being said about those I care about... I was just tooooo turnttttt up
  19. In that case, you're not a real slut and you will have your membership card revoked. #StepUpYoWhoreGameBish
  20. I love that the first thing I see when I visit your blog is a penis flopping the fuck around everywhere.
  21. OMFG, WHAT. Is this legit Myah? Who knew her ass was so fucking shady! This is dreadful!
  22. Is it possible to make a comeback when you were never hot to begin with? Did we ever actually get news on an album?! It seemed like she just released 'Sorry' out of nowhere and hadn't actually planned a proper album to follow it.
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