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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. Omg sis, did you even look at my blog? I post the most random shit, I must seem like a crazy person... But no problem!
  2. YASSS! Omg, legit make one tho!
  3. Oooh, really? I always thought ProTools would be super professional and have like a million options you have to sort through! Maybe I'll download it and give it a try.
  4. Awww perfect timing! What a sweetie! Still waiting for Gaga to Tweet me tbh...
  5. She looks so good in all those photos! But am I the only one who thought that dog in the first pic was a statue?
  6. I'm a boss ass bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch... You a boss ass bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch... We a a boss ass bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch, bitch...
  7. Omg, $85 for a full festival is actually so cheap tho. I had to pay like $120 for a twelve hour festival last year.
  8. THANK YOU! It sounds pretty awesome. A little too slow and lethargic for my taste but hopefully it will pick up at some point.
  9. Oooooh, I tried to use FL once but it was so fucking hard, it made no sense to me tbqh. But if you find a good tutorial or something on ProTools let me know, I wanna learn how to use that too!
  10. It's so dumb! Maybe they'll include more footage of it in their tour tho? It could be kind of cool if they had video interludes telling the story and then the songs illustrated the plot!
  11. Wrong. 'Shades of Cool' sounds a million times better than what 'West Coast' could ever even dream to be.
  12. Awww, that's so sweet! Did she wish you happy birthday or just randomly tweet you?
  13. Why do you think you're not supposed to be here?
  14. I would be SO here for this if this happened! I was jamming out to Keri's first album today and I totally forgot how much I love that girl. She needs to make a comeback ASAP, and Rih's the best person to do it with tbh.
  15. Updated. Let me know if we're missing anything!
  16. No problem! I get the university blues too. Just check in with us when you can boo! What did you get for your birthday?
  17. Sis, you already know I love Miley, but I'm still undecided on Jennifer. She herself seems nice and I love her as an actor but her fans kinda turn me off her. #MCTwerkTeam2014 RIGHT? It's getting so annoying at this point...she looks and makes money nothing like a normal person does, so she should learn to act the same way.
  18. Happy birthday to everyone's favourite baby Laio! Laio is everyone's favourite angel keeping us updated on the Garden of EDEN. He was happily naked until the devil told him how disgraceful his flawless body was and inspired him to recognize opulence. But ultimately God punished Laio by sending him to earth to teach us all about the dangers of living in a hothouse. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LAIO!
  19. Aw no, Cypher! I'm so sorry to hear that you knew one of the victims. That's incredibly sad, especially given how much unnecessary pain their death will cause their families and friends. My heart really goes out to you and everyone who knew them, it must be especially hard given how toxic the media and Tumblr dumbasses are being about all this. It's really sad and sick that people are trying to turn this tragedy into some feminist statement as well. The guy who committed these acts was clearly mentally ill, and while his "manifesto" and video leading up to the attacks is clearly misogynistic, it's unlikely that that was what drove him to murder, especially considering four of his victims were male. To try and benefit politically from anything like this is just incredibly tacky as well as misguided in my opinion.
  20. It sounds so good! I loooooove how rock and roll she's going for this album, it's so sexy. The strings are a nice touch too. I'm not sure I like it more than 'Shades of Cool' but it's still great! PLEASE POST A LINK TO THE STUDIO VERSION SNIPPET I CAN'T FIND IT ANYWHERE. :'(
  21. You're right. They also all look a whole lot older than 12 so hopefully their ages will be upped for this version.
  22. Yas that's so good! Are you using Protools to make your beats or? And YAS I'm looking forward to The Lost Sessions: Oceans popping up on iTunes within the next few months tbh.
  23. I'm sure she'll be able to give you some good tips on looking like a drag queen!
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