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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. This thread has been locked due to the malicious rumours it houses. Please do not remake this thread or continue this discussion elsewhere on the forum. Regards, The PopHatesFags Team
  2. Thank you for posting about 'Eau De Gaga'. What is it that interests you about this topic?
  3. Thank you for posting about the song 'Applause' by 'Lady Gaga'. What does everyone else think about this song?
  4. As per the Google Adsense terms and conditions, users are not permitted to post or supply adult material to sites that are currently hosting Google advertisements. Thank you for your co-operation.
  5. Happy birthday to the user 'Beauty King'. A birthday is just the first day of another 365-day journey around the sun. Enjoy the trip. Regards, Mo
  6. This one? Looks like an interesting watch! Is it on at the cinemas now?
  7. WE DON'T GET HBO GO HERE IN AUSTRALIA PLZ STOP MAKING ME JEALOUS. :'( But yeah, I'll use CouchTuner or WatchSeries or something.
  8. I'm literally sooooooo behind at this point tbh. Like I just got home drunk one night and watched like half of season three, and now I don't remember any of it. I have to go back and rewatch so I can understand what's happening!
  9. Honestly I can't see this lasting more than like a year, but good luck to them.
  10. Even though I hate this old bitches bitter personality, and her latest three albums have been absolutely dreadful, she does have some true jams in her back catalogue. I'll look forward to your post!
  11. It's worth downloading even if just for the 'Out of Control' remix imo.
  12. Tbh, the first one was actual shit. Mia WasihewthefuckamI can't act for any amount of money in the world, and they were trying wayyyyy too hard to make the movie all about Johnny Depp. Now that Tim Burton is out of the picture, this one is gonna be even worse.
  14. Bitch, just try and sing opera like me. Queen SopraMo is coming to slay you.
  15. Download: Lady Gaga & Drew Stevens - The Remix Vol. 1
  16. Less than a week to go before this comes out! I love the behind the scenes photos you released of you filming the music video too.
  17. Do people legitimately check for these movies? Like, they're so dull and repetitive...Michelle could do better. Watch them put another one of her dreadful songs in the movie new btw...
  18. So a while ago I started making this remake of the 'G.U.Y.' video which I never ended up finishing because Dayf wouldn't help me with the Minecraft scenes tbh. I managed to finish it, even though it's shit, so I thought I'd upload it to share with you guys! Here's a list of the changes I made: The 'ARTPOP' opening is now entirely instrumental. All scenes featuring that faggot Andy Cohen have been removed. There's now an extended bridge which features a remix of 'G.U.Y.' and is set in the Minecraft world, with cameos from PetGa. This part of the video kept freezing when I was making it, so the timing's a bit off. I also couldn't figure out how to make my own Gaga Minecraft videos like I wanted to so I just ripped random ones from YouTube, which is why it looks pretty cheap. The credits have been entirely removed. There is now the diegetic sound of wind towards the end of the video. The video now ends on a shot of Gaga instead of the men she's created. I hope you guys enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EAlEnjsSjE#ws
  19. Ughhh, that's so stupid. :'( At least you got a support act at all tho, I'm pretty sure Miley is coming to Australia without any other artists at all. Is she actually having an official NTMT tour tho? I know she's been doing random shows here and there but I didn't realize she was calling it an actual tour!
  20. But she's the original doll!
  21. That's annoying too tbh...like Gaga with 'Onion Girl' and 'Temple'. Why hype things up if you're not gonna come through with the goods?
  22. Someone from your team must have leaked your planned release date to the press, and Ashley got word of it and decided to try and sabotage your release. It's like Gaga vs Katy 2.0. And omg, I added you on Skype so we could properly talk and you didn't add me back... So offended right now tbqh.
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