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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. Ooooh okay. I haven't seen any interviews with her or anything so I don't know anything about her personality tbqh. But yeah Emma is flawless and a pretty good actor too imo. I want to hang out with her!
  2. YASSS GET THAT A-LIST PROMO ASHLEY! :hail: Is it true you're opening for Courtney on her Australian tour? #BuyMySpace #LeakMySpace(Remix)(Feat.CourtneyLove)
  3. Tbh I don't get the Anna Kendrick hype. Like she's pretty, but she's not the greatest actor or singer or anything imo. It's like Mia Whatthefucksmyname 2.0. But all I know about the movie is it was based on a play...possibly a musical? And yeah, I think it combines a lot of different fairytales together.
  4. Even though the whole twisted fairytale thing is getting kinda boring at this point, this does look pretty good! The special effects look pretty and I'm always here for Meryl (even though I'm sure Johnny will try and take over the whole film like he does with everything ). I'm pissed that little girl from Ellen isn't gonna be in it tho.
  5. #QueenoftheDowntownScene #TrasherAlly
  6. Y'all are shady af...I'm definitely not on the J. Law bandwagon but I must admit she's a good actor, and like a million times more tolerable than Gwyneth Paultryho.
  7. Summer Rain Rutler? More like DUMBER'S SLAIN RULER! Can't wait for this little queen to evolve into her own legend.
  8. They'd make a cute couple tbqh. They're both kind of fun and goofy and sweet and would get along well together.
  9. Omg, remember when she was in that "hip-hopera" adaptation of Carmen like early in her career tho? So awk...
  10. Me too! Alice is iconic. I just don't really care for this version of her, and I really don't think Mia does her personality justice.
  11. I'm not looking forward to it at all tbh. I wanted something as amazing as LADY GAGA FAME and this just looks like a rush job she's put together to fulfill a contract tbh.
  12. I will! #SupportIndieMovies #EndHomophobia
  13. That e-mail you send about "upgrading Tayler's back end" tho... :shocked:
  14. 'Lemonade' was hawt, but 'Bad Girl' will forever be my song.
  15. Don't get cocky, she still has a month in which she can cancel it.
  16. I agree. Leaking of songs is immoral and illegal, as can be proven by the multitude of court cases dedicated to the subject of music leaks. If this behaviour persists I will have no qualms in shutting down the website and reporting the perpetrators to the FBI.
  17. I was so sad to hear about this. :'( I wasn't even the biggest fan of his but I loved him in Aladdin and Jumanji and it must be so hard for his family. R.I.P.
  18. Happy birthday from the real me gorgeous.
  19. It's not a laughing matter Cypher. Thousands of people had their identities stolen.
  20. Omfg, so this is the bitch that everyone was telling me about? I'm pissed off tbh...no random fucking robot is gonna come into my website and abuse my members like that. I'm glad you guys took this slut down.
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