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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. I can't disassociate the shade from that smiley, which makes it impossible for me to take this touching tribute seriously...
  2. YASSS! I love how they got rid of that pesky 'E' in 'Text Message', it's so streamlined and futuristic!
  3. The only song that I've liked from her so far and it forces her to cancel her entire album... I hope she still has some bangers on the new album and doesn't just make the boring music that her stans want from her.
  4. Madonna's album's been pushed back to next year as well.
  5. Does it flip tho? The fingerprint scanner is such a gimmick tho... Like it's another feature like Siri which people will play around with for an hour and then forget about. Basically. You might as well just get an iPad Mini if you're looking for a bigger screen.
  6. It's cute that Taylor is being supportive of other women instead of being annoying and shady, but I'm really not buying this whole "fun feminist" thing. Oh well, get dat 'Boys' promo Sky!
  7. OMG, I JUST NOTICED THAT. How unhealthy for her vocal chords to be smoking in the studio tbh... Starbucksney tho! Right? Tbh I'd just be happy with an album of BJ leftovers tho...I'm still gagging for those Danja and Dev Hynes tracks. :'(
  8. RIGHT? When everyone was going on about how feminist the show was and how great it was that it had a trans character, I thought it would be really preachy and annoying, but it's actually genuinely funny! Poussey and Red are both amazing...I normally like Taystee but I'm pissed off that she let that bitch Vee fuck her around like that. But yeah, I'm not so annoyed with Piper now that the show is less about her and more about the ensemble. I hated the last five minutes of season two tbqh. Like I was alright with the cancer lady escaping, but the fact that she ran Vee over was just like so silly to me. Vee should have survived and gone on the run imo. And those dreadful special effects when she turns back time twenty years...
  9. In reaction to that... :shocked: I'm DYING at that last line. This guy is really going in! GET MONEY BITCH!
  10. Clearly someone's a fan of Phlegmy... :vacuum: THIS THO. That album is perfection! Although, still... #BringBackTheScene #Justice4TheScene #WeLoveYouLikeALoveSongTheScene
  11. Love you too slutbucket.
  12. Are the 5C's the ones with the awesome colors? I want the pink one so bad!
  13. I just uploaded bunch of Gaga acapellas and stems that I didn't want in my iTunes anymore. If anyone wants them you can find them here. Download: Lady Gaga - Stems & Acapellas Collection
  14. Allegedly the whole thing had something to do with money...:'( So sad!
  15. Nikki is legit SO sweet, I love that bitch so much. But I was still sad when Cornrows died...basically while I will forever hate Pornstache man. But yeah, I don't give any fucks about Piper tbh. I feel like she never learns from her mistakes so just makes them again and again...plus she makes this HUGE bitch face all the time and it makes me hate her even more.
  16. Fair enough tbh. I guess I'm pretty lenient when it comes to comedy. Like I don't care if people are joking about the holocaust, war, poverty or what, as long as the jokes funny enough.
  17. Right? I can't even tell who's side I'm on here tbh...like I hate Katy more than anyone tbqh, but I'm also pretty pissed that Taylor basically writes all of her hits about other artists and can't just stand on her own two feet. They can both get dragged to the gods for all I care tbh.
  18. Trust Kunty to wanna use some religious metaphor in relation to everything.
  19. Omg, do they really?! I hadn't even hear about that...see, country stars are just like the rest of the pop bitches.
  20. Right?! It's crazy that a show that's not only all about women, but also all about LGBT women is doing so well! The shade of them making everyone a main cast member except for Laverne tho...
  21. RIGHT? I miss her so much, she was a total sweetie. I miss that blonde girl with the cornrows as well but I know for sure she won't be coming back. :'( Why can't they kill off annoying bitch Piper instead?
  22. Has anyone else watched this flawless show before? I just like binge watched the first two seasons and I can't wait for season three! I'm looking forward to how they'll handle Alex coming back to prison although I'm kind of sad that Larry is apparently being written out...:'( What do you guys think?
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