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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. This is a brilliant song, it really inspired me and brought a tear to my eye! I like it almost as much as 'Far Away' by Nickelback!
  2. Main Pop Girl


    A musical and visual engineering system that combines music, art, fashion, and technology with a new interactive worldwide community
  3. You were the first person I thought of when I read about this news tbh. They really should just do a spin-off with all the characters minus Mama June!
  4. Am I doing it right?
  5. I mean, it obviously depends on the kind of guy who's saying hi to you. If it's that guy who was walking next to her for five minutes, she clearly doesn't have to say a single word to him and if I was her I would have been running as fast as I can tbh. But for some of those guys who were just being nice (not the ones who were wolf-whistling her cos they were being douchey) I don't think it would have killed her to just smile at them as she passed by. If she's not comfortable with it (which is fair enough) then she obviously doesn't have to stop and talk about the weather. And idk, I think that fearing something that statistically is never gonna happen to you is a little over-dramatic tbh. Obviously it's different if you've already had prior experiences with rape or something, as many people have, but I think that media sensationalism is really making people worry about this a lot when most people really don't need to. Although 78 rapes happen per hour, there's also 60 murders that happen every hour, but for some reason people don't seem that worried about that anymore.
  6. Ooh, I'm not justifying that guy walking next to her for five minutes at all. That was creepy as hell and just plain weird tbh. That's why I was saying I think that guy has some kind of mental illness or something, because even in your average misogynist that's not normal behaviour. Same with the guys who kept repeating themselves after she was clearly ignoring them. I was more talking about guys like the one who she walked past who was just sitting down and told her once to "have a good day". I think calling that harassment is a huge stress tbh. But I'm not sure why you're saying that guys who are "trying to get a conversation going" are somehow evil for that. I also never brought up any ideas of a woman's "duty" so I'm not quite sure why that's relevant. It has nothing to do with "duty" whatsoever and more with just being a polite and approachable human being. It's not my "duty" to talk to anyone who sits next to me in class and tries to make conversation, I just do it because I'm not a douche and I like meeting people. Similarly, it wasn't my "duty" to say thank you when I got a present I didn't like for my birthday, it's just something that people do to be polite. I also don't really think it's necessary to be worried about a stranger on a busy street raping you considering that the majority of rapes occur from people that you know. Anyone who lives in constant fear of rape like that I think needs to reevaluate some of their own issues before blaming other people for making them uncomfortable. I think it also has a lot what kind of a neighbourhood you live in tbh. I have a friend who comes from a suburb near London and she says that when she walks around there, everyone just feels like they're friends with everyone else so people always chat to each other on the street, guys and girls. On the other hand, in the city I live in that's a little more uncommon so I'd probably be a bit more weirded out about it. New York seems like the kind of place where everyone's quite friendly so I don't think it's as much of an issue.
  7. Main Pop Girl


    Mustard can be whatever it wants to be! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhArLwBO5VQ#ws
  8. I'm sorry Sean, but I can't support you in this endeavor. This music is utter trash. Where's the honesty, the purity, the true passion? These lyrics are disgusting and mindless and clearly designed only to feed the brainless masses. The "singing" is completely dreadful, partly because the singer is completely tonedeaf and partly because the AutoTune is way over the top. It doesn't even sound like a real person singing! What happened to true talent in the music industry? When I was growing up, I listened to The Beatles who were famous just because of their incredible songwriting and amazing voices. Now it seems like the only way to get famous is if you talk about your labia in your songs! For those looking for true and honest art, please download the Abbey Road album by The Beatles, I'm sure you'll enjoy it. For everyone else, enjoy listening to Lady Caca, Bitchy Minaj, and this disgusting new product called TOSTB.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b1XGPvbWn0A#ws So this video has been making the rounds lately and a lot of people have been commenting about how shocking and horrifying it is. But am I the only one who thinks the whole thing's a little overblown? First of all, I have no idea why they edited down all the footage to make it only two minutes long if they really recorded a full ten hours of stuff. If there was really over 100 instances of sexual harassment like they claimed then I don't see why they didn't show them all, or why they showed such boring ones. It kind of ruins the effect. I'm also not sure I'd classify a lot of what's in this video as harassment. For one thing, the girl never actually talks to express her discomfort or ask the guys to stop, so I'm not really sure how she can be claiming harassment given that. I also think that some of the guys were just being nice, like the one's asking her how she was going or if she was having a good day. To be honest, if someone asked me that on the street (as they occasionally do) I would just be flattered and it would probably make my day. It also seems pretty clear that some of the guys, like the one who followed her for five minutes, have mental illness issues so I don't really think that they can be seen as examples of the typical sexual harasser. Either way it's interesting that the video is so popular. What do you guys think of it?
  10. I don't know, but 'Saturday Night' hit #23 over there so she's basically the president of the entire country!
  11. Don't tempt fate, we don't need 'Va Va Voom' 2.0. Although it would be cool to see this hairstyle in an actual music video!
  12. Mayoslays >>> You.
  13. Why are all our member's lives so depressing? :stretcher:
  14. Happy Halloween everybody! I hope everyone has a super scary fun night. Don't forget to post pictures of whatever you dress up as if, unlike me, you have an active social life and friends and are leaving your house tonight!
  15. Interesting! Honestly, I'm not a fan of most of the tracks Tony Kanal's either written or produced on as a solo artist, but I did like 'Sober' by P!nk and '4 In The Morning' by Gwen, so I hope he's served Jess with some flawless ballads.
  16. :shocked: :shocked: What the fuck kind of shade is this? I'm getting 'Do What U Want' teas tbh...
  17. Congratulations Dustard!
  18. I completely agree with you tbh. I think what it's missing is a strong plot...like we have the whole murder thing going on but we know exactly who's behind that and it's not really causing any interesting drama. And there's a lot of interesting side characters like the super tall woman or Kathy Bates character who aren't being explored. I would LOVE to see more acting from the world's smallest woman because she is literally the most gorgeous thing ever.
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