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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. Tbh, I've never even gotten through the whole thing...the mechanics always turn me off it after a while and I never even make it to the first dungeon. But I'll definitely break out my old N64 and play it before the remake.
  2. Right tho? And don't forget Ocarina of Time 3DS, Link's Awakening, Four Swords Anniversary Edition, and a Link Between Worlds, all of which are remakes that were released in the past three years.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hj6cXziHpjQ#ws I don't even have a 3DS so I probably won't be playing this, but I'm glad this underrated masterpiece will finally be getting the credit it deserves!
  4. I've never seen this around but let me know if you find it! That 'Untouchable' remix sounds really good!
  5. I honestly think Tina looks so dreadful in photos tbh... Like on tv and stuff she always looks gorgeous but whenever I see still photos of her I think she looks a mess for some reason! Godmanda >>> But anyway, this looks awesome! I still wish we were getting a full on scripted reunion, they could do something really short and amazing for SNL or FunnyOrDie or something which would have been really cool. But I love that Lindsay's comeback actually seems to be sticking this time. They all look gorge in the photoshoot.
  6. Yeah, you have a point tbh. I was actually pretty impressed with how many views the 'Yard Sale' video got but it seems like all that success didn't really translate into people dishing out their cash for the album. :'( It's a shame really. Are we meant to have access to the app already tho? Cos I haven't heard anything about it at all.
  7. Maybe! I still just think that her parents should have been keeping a closer eye on her tho and monitoring her behaviour more. I don't think that you can really blame a seven year old for doing these things, so I think you have to look at the parents and ask where they were while all this was going on. And ugh, that's disgusting. At least he didn't actually get physical with them tho like a lot of people do. :'(
  8. Better than Britney's one dreadful lace front tho.
  9. Right tho? I mean it's fair enough if she doesn't wanna release shit, but there's no point in hyping it up and posting snippets of it all if you're never putting it out.
  10. Yeah, you could be right I guess! I can definitely see this being Cannibal era actually. Someone needs to contact this guy for an interview and slip in a question about the track there.
  11. Yes silly! Do it now! She's like stuck in limbo at $25 000 and I feel bad for her.
  12. Yayyy that's so good! She needs to release a new album soon, I wanna see where her sound goes next. I feel she actually has a heap of potential and is a pretty decent singer and songwriter so I'm interested to see what happens with her!
  13. That would be awesome! Queen literally needs to just release new albums every year with different lead singers. They could do one with Adam, one with Gaga, one with Britney...
  14. Main Pop Girl


    Do you hear the condiments sing? Singing the songs of angry mayonnaise? It is the music of a food group who will not be slaves again!
  15. I agree. If Nickelback and Mayonnaise were to do a collaboration album together I would truly reach nirvana.
  16. Really? I thought it must have been an Animal demo given the sound tbh. Plus, she's a pretty big star now, so I can't see her working with this nobody recently.
  17. No, you should earn it by donating to the campaign. #BuyEleutheromaniac
  18. Enjoy listening to an artist who can't sing, can't dance, can't write, has no creative control whatsoever and doesn't care about her fans in the slightest!
  19. Idk how I feel about the whole thing tbh. Ideally I'd love for her to release a pop album next year and a rock collaboration album the year after with Queen, like she did with Tony Bennett this year. I'd kind of be here for a rock/pop/dance album tho with songs like 'Bad Kids' and a Marilyn Manson collab!
  20. YASSS MAMA SLAY! First of all, I hope you got those budget tickets because you know they be going up on LastTix the night before for like $20. But I'm glad you enjoyed her performances at least! What was her setlist like? I can't imagine her singing for that long with only one album under her belt...
  21. That's cute tbh, I'm glad these two queens are fans of each other. Britney should hit up Adore's hairstylist for a new weave tho, that thing is tragic.
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