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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. You most certainly implied it young man - I hope you weren't deliberately misleading me!
  2. I think there's like a free version which has ads and a premium version which you can pay for? Idk, the only person I know who uses it is my dad. Really?! I guess that makes sense given how many ads a Spotify user might go through to listen to an entire day's worth of songs, but I still can't believe that a single stream earns artists more money than one download. Although then again, I'm not sure how much money Apple takes for every iTunes buy, so...
  3. Yeah, I think you're right tbh. She probably wouldn't feel qualified to talk about this kind of thing if she didn't feel a strong connection with the community. I really do understand her frustrations, I'm just not sure the reasoning behind her argument is quite right.
  4. I AGREE. The whole thing just has to do with these white Tumblr bitches thinking that they're hero's and saving the day for the poor ethnic victims of the world by telling people not to wear headdresses. And honestly, if it wasn't for cultural appropriation Halloween wouldn't exist. Witches appropriate Pagan culture, vampires appropriate a whoooooole bunch of myths, and slutty nurses appropriate and demean the medical profession. But everyone manages to get over it apart from this select few.
  5. With Ashley starring as that slutty nanny!
  6. I THOUGHT THAT TOO. I still think they might have just Photoshopped the same photo of her face onto her body tbh. How do you know? Honestly they all look Photoshopped in...
  7. Get the fuck off my forum Satan. Toy Story 3 is the most beautiful film ever made and if you don't like it you are not a real human being.
  8. YASSS Invite me over too so we can get this reality show going!
  9. Wait, for real? How is that even possible? Don't you only have to pay like $10 a month for Spotify?
  10. Yeah, the bad graphics of the original kinda just made it more scary. I wish they'd put a little extra work into these remakes, the animation is barely any different at all tbh.
  11. I love how they procrastinated over making that for like two years and then did the whole thing in about a month. Such a mess.
  12. She doesn't look as flawless without her glasses tbh.
  13. Idk, wasn't it for like the Singapore Grand Prix or something? I think they must have just spent all the budget on her and didn't have money for any convincing backgrounds...
  14. Oh. So when she says that that if you donate $5 you can get the app as a perk she actually means you can donate $5 for nothing...
  15. What has the LGBT community "fed" her tho?
  16. [img width=650 height=414] :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( This is so sad. On a brighter note, Queen Heidi continues to act like the angel she is:
  17. I kind of understand what she means to an extent, but I think the main problem here is that there isn't as big of a focused movement for feminism as there is for gay rights. Basically everyone in the LGBT community just wants gay marriage, whereas with feminism there's a lot of different, somewhat more minor issues that different people are aiming to address and not one unified thing to aim for. I see what she's trying to say tho.
  18. I wish they'd recorded 'Beautiful Cause You Love Me' given it was the single the entire tour was meant to promote.
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZT83GDRyXoQ#ws
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