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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. Well, from the stills we've seen, it looks like it's going to be really enjoyable. I'll reserve judgement.
  2. Weeds is really serialized. It just keeps building on itself, so if you watched a fourth season episode first, you'd definitely be missing a lot of context. Alright then, I'll try it out once I've finished the flawless Nurse Jackie.
  3. Apparently she's actually still signed to Epic, so no idea what's going on with her profile on the site...
  4. I watched like one episode of this and didn't really like it tbh - but that said, the episode I watched was from like season four or something so I might have to go back and start at the beginning.
  5. If Roc Nation couldn't even handle the career of an established and successful act like Kylie, I don't know what chance they'll have with Nicole. She should have stayed with Interscope imho.
  6. Listen here! Not Queen ScarJo returning to slay us all with a brand new hit single! If you haven't heard any of her previous songs, check out the flawless 'Relator' below and prepare to stan. cA_1vBT5E6s
  7. Yes that's one I've been looking for! That & Cold Love. I would do anything to hear it ?????? Obviously I sent you a link to Cold Love And obviously I wanted Sia. Not Donna Summer, but thanks... If you don't want Donna Summers, why are you here? If you don't want Donna Summers, are you even a real gay person?
  8. You shouldn't be surprised at all tbh. Just check out Queen trayertrash's Facebook profile pictures and you'll see that working mothers of one can look ten million times better than this bitch and her planet Mars-inspired cratered skin.
  9. I will pray for you, my lost little lamb.
  10. It's sad for them I guess, but honestly I give them both a lot of kudos for trying as hard as they did and attempting to stick with their marriage even after they weren't officially in a relationship anymore. Hilary's an amazing girl tho and definitely deserves all the best and all the love in the world, so I just hope that whatever happens she's less busy going to therapy and has more time to record amazing music happy.
  11. I know, right? She looks at least like a badly aged 40! YASSSSS QUEEN KNEE, SLAY US! Grind down ha ligaments! Destroy ha bones! RUIN HA QUEEN!
  12. I honestly really didn't like the 'Sweet Nothing' video, I thought it was so tacky and boring. So I'm hoping their new collaborations are a bit more interesting!
  13. Happy birthday!!!!! (But really, what did you get for you birthday is the real question...? ) Thank you I only get money, feeling like a little stripper Thank you boo I already have the only cock i want I guess you can't miss what you've never had.
  14. Ironic. At first, I thought this said iconic. <--That would be really ironic. All of this ironic talk makes me want to listen to Alanis Morissette #getdatpromorgurrrl This is a friendly reminder that Alanis Morissette would be as irrelevant as 2012 Madonna if it hadn't been for 1990 Madonna.
  15. Hell will freeze over before Katy gets a Grammy, so I'm sure that Courtney's album will come before global warming makes the earth uninhabitable in 2050.
  16. Yes that's one I've been looking for! That & Cold Love. I would do anything to hear it ?????? Obviously I sent you a link to Cold Love And obviously I wanted Sia. Not Donna Summer, but thanks... The read of it all...
  17. Ready for her Britney-style meltdown and her "fucking dark" Blackout era. Thankfully Katy doesn't even know how to dance so it's not like her live shows will suffer.
  18. I don't like you at all.
  19. I understand why she was dropped given her total lack of charisma and fans, but how did they honestly expect her to have any hits when they promoted each single so poorly? They didn't even promo any song in her target market of the UK after 'Your Love' and the music videos were all horrendous. I'm sensing that PCD reunion on the horizon tbh.
  20. SLAY QUEEN! Post-acne chanteuse is slaying us by fighting the media's unrealistic expectations of what a woman's body should look like! When will your Photoshopped fave?
  21. The ironically sad thing is that she looks so much thinner here than she did a few years ago...:'(
  22. Freakshow was such a copout towards the end tbh... It's like they had no idea how to conclude the series so they just killed off every single character. I did like the plotline of Elsa finally moving to Hollywood but other than that it was a huge disappointment at the end imo.
  23. Honestly, Iggy saying the word "dyke" isn't wrong to me in the slightest. It's clear from the context of her Tweet (and the fact that she was even hanging out with lesbians in the first place?) that she doesn't consider the term offensive and that she didn't intend it as an insult. Idk if y'all have this overseas, but in Australia we even have a "gang" of lesbians called "dykes on bikes" who come out to every year's Mardi Gras on motorbikes and totally play to the butch stereotype. I'm not sure if that's who she was referring to when she said she hung around lesbians at a young age but it's not like it's an unheard of concept.
  24. The problem is how much shit is talked about her BEFORE they were talking about her body. First, it was her music, then her accent, then her hair, then her face, and now it's her body. She's human too and she shouldn't be treated like anything else. Celebs get hate everyday but they also feel. Well, no, it was actually all those racist and homophobic comments she made on Twitter and in song lyrics. She's getting what she deserves, to a certain extent. You can't expect to get away with being straight up racist in the modern day. Someone's inevitably gonna call you out on it. And Azaelia Banks does worse shit EVERY DAY. But oh, nobody ever calls her out on her shit and when they do, people get all defensive and get pressed about it. Edit: And when she gets called out, she cries about it tbh and feels she has some justification on calling people a "faggot" or "white trailer trash" or other discriminately rude terms. Where the fuck have you been? Azealia gets like 50 negative headlines every time she goes on a racist/homophobic/generally terrible Twitter rant. She deserves it too, frankly. Both Iggy and Azealia are terrible people and I couldn't give less of a fuck what happens to them, because ultimately, they've dug the holes they're in. When you're a celebrity, you have to adhere to a new lifestyle. There are a lot of negative aspects; that's why so few people are cut out to be celebs. At first, they were. The racism continued with assurances of "Oh don't worry, I'll change my behavior" followed by more offensive language, general rudeness and blatant disregard for other people's feelings. If you're not respecting public critiques and massive outcry against your reprehensible comments, you're not going to generate any sympathy. Sure, the insults against appearances are going too far, but all the other controversy before this last straw was tame and yet she's still whining. You're wrong on the Azealia count tbh...not only did her racist and homophobic comments regarding Iggy and T.I. go unnoticed by the majority of the blogs, who preferred only to discuss her "cultural appropriation" of rap music, but her record sales actually went up by 18% when she called Perez Hilton a faggot. There's a huge discrepancy between the way the two are perceived, largely because Azealia's seen as the irreverent, edgy black one while Iggy is held to higher standards due to her skin colour. And I've never seen Iggy even accept the fact that she was racist, let alone imply that she was going to change her behaviour. I don't even believe that she thinks she's done anything wrong tbh.
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