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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. Has anyone else started watching this show yet? I just finished the second episode and it's pretty good! I wouldn't say it's anything special and I'm not sure it will get picked up again but it's fun while it lasts.
  2. All I really want is a brow lift so my eyes look a little more open and alert rather than droopy and dozy all the time, and a nose job so that I can get rid of my bump. :'( But in terms of other cosmetic procedures, I'd also really like laser eye surgery so I can see without glasses, and laser hair removal on my face.
  3. Grime's dates start a few days after Courtney's ends, so it looks like Grimes is just there for the second half Oh, phew! As long as there's still a chance of them duetting on 'Heart-Shaped Box' I'll be happy. I have to agree. I'm sure that most of Tumblr will love it, but they don't really have cohesive styles and I can't see their personalities matching that well either...I guess we'll see tho.
  4. I haven't actually seen that movie! It's weird because before it came out I was super excited about the concept because it sounded so interesting and I love Cameron, but I never actually got around to seeing it. Omg, I forgot about Marley and Me! I remember just bawling in the cinema by the end tbh. Anything with animals in pain is always gonna be a million times sadder than anything with humans in pain. I stand by the idea that Gatsby was a dreadful movie tho. The only thing I liked about the entire thing was the soundtrack, but even that didn't gel that well with the visuals imo.
  5. Right? I can't at him teasing new singles and an album for like years and then completely giving up on the whole thing. He was becoming incredibly pretentious and his music was going downhill tho so I can't say I'll be up at night over his decision.
  6. That second one is terrifying!
  7. Interesting choice given the all African-American cast tbh...I've never seen this so I can't really say I'm gonna love the music or anything. But I think I still would have preferred The Wizard of Oz. :'(
  8. I'm kiiiiind of here for the Mulan film, just because I think it would be interesting to see a version of the story closer to the original Chinesse mythology. But Winnie The Pooh just sounds weird. As much as I love the idea of a grown up Christopher Robin, how the hell are they planning on animating all of those characters realistically? Never gonna work tbh.
  9. The video isn't working! Don't tell me it's more of this poodle bitch.
  10. This. I'm not sure this will work without the chemistry and talent of all the other girls, but I'm willing to give them a shot (even though I'm still pretty much #TeamDawn).
  11. Omg, that's awesome boo! You should upload some of your songs here for us to hear.
  12. What?! :'( I was really looking forward to them going on tour together and slaying the scene! I'm praying that Grimes will only be the co-headliner for select acts on the tour and that Courtney will still be rocking certain dates but it doesn't look good tbh...we better get an official announcement or some kind of explanation over this or I'll be pissed.
  13. Omg, not even! I just listen to podcasts on the bus and train, but considering I'm traveling to uni or work almost everyday I get through them all super quickly.
  14. Very interesting concept! The moon is such a romantic image to me and I'd love a whole album based around it where each song represents a new phase of it. I'm sure it's just gonna turn out to be another 'Telephone (Part 2)' situation where fan speculation makes us read way too far into everything and we end up disappointed by the lousy end result, but I like it as an idea anyway.
  15. I actually made this thread like two years ago, it's just that Degenerate only just found it and decided to respond to it now.
  16. That was Diplo. To be fair, they do look pretty identical lately.
  17. Michelle was on BBUK? I may have to catch up on that shit tbh...the only reason I stayed away in the first place was because I thought I heard that Frankie Grande was meant to be on it.
  18. Good luck to him I guess? I can't see all the 1D fans running out to buy his solo material after he ruined their lives forever, and I don't think anyone over 20 is gonna take him seriously enough to buy his shit, but it could possibly work if it was marketed right I guess. Did you forget about Justin Timberlake and where he came from though? I honestly think the only reason why he left, or even joined, was because he wanted was looking for the fame to jumpstart his solo career? Fair point. Although to be fair I feel the level of ridiculousness is higher among the 1D fanbase than it was over N*SYNC? That could just be my lack of knowledge about them tho.
  19. I think the anticipation is what's killing it. If she'd released these lacklustre songs after only working on them for a couple of months like she normally does it would be fine, but given that she's had over a year to work on these tracks we all expected better.
  20. You better mean me.
  21. Plus you get cute freckles which always make you look young and innocent. :'(
  22. Taylor is overly possessive, naive, and self-admittedly crazy, and Calvin is too quick to jealousy, paranoid and petty, so I'd say they make a pretty good couple.
  23. I'm getting pretty fucking tired of a certain someone who claims to be balls deep in the trading scene and continuously teases unleaked and rare tracks all over the forum, but is never able to actually come through with the goods or any proof that they have the tracks they're talking about. If you're gonna attempt to come off as some industry heavyweight then you better back it up or else you'll just look like an asshole.
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