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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. Omfg, I had a dream last night that you came back and released your songs and they ended up being amazing and you got famous like overnight! I was super pissed tho cos you stole the chorus I wrote and put some other bitch on it. Lol. I wish. I released a song earlier today though, so...theres that. Lol. Aww, i would never do that without your permission lol You better not, or best believe I'll sue you for half the profits. You wouldn't.
  2. Haha. Right? I cried. OMG. Kid Cudi? Really? YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS. I didn't actually produce it though. Lol. But thank you! Luckily my brother is letting my use his laptop to record, so watch out For sure! Except like old-school good Kid Cudi before he became a total drug addict and couldn't write about anything other than how high he was. Who produced it for you?!
  3. I knew the Pokémon company would shut down your stage name eventually. :'( But omg, what kind of Kid Cudi slayage is this? It's definitely my favourite from you in terms of production, I love the creepy baby sounds you put in. I also think it has the catchiest hook out of everything I've heard so far. Good job babe, I'm proud of you!
  4. I actually like all of these tbh! I know it wasn't intentional but the AutoTune mixed with the slower instrumentals really reminds me of 808s and Heartbreaks by Yeezus a whole bunch. Your production is super good! That J.R. Rotem sample in 'Baptise' tho!
  5. YASSSSS AT THREE OUT OF FIVE OF OUR CHOICES! Hew at the other two? Pretty sure you're talking about eye candy and outsourced. Eye Candy was a mtv show, basically victoria justice trying to find a killer from tinder Outsourced was a stupid comedy that i loved They sound interesting! I've added like every show here to my list of things to watch so I'll dump both of those on there as well I guess. A Veronica Mars reboot would be AMAZING. Although apparently whatever network House of Lies is on isn't letting Kristen do it because she's the face of that show now and they don't want it interfering with filming. I would love for them to bring it back on Netflix tho! I've never heard of Carnivale! But I totally agree that shows ending early 100% adds to the nostalgic and cult value of the show. I'd definitely add My So-Called Life to the list of shows which ended abruptly but which I don't necessarily want to come back. As for Twin Peaks tho, I tried to get into that series last year but I definitely thought it was totally overhyped. Not really that excited for the reboot anymore although it's good for the fans.
  6. Not Gordo looking cute as fuck tho...
  7. Omfg, I had a dream last night that you came back and released your songs and they ended up being amazing and you got famous like overnight! I was super pissed tho cos you stole the chorus I wrote and put some other bitch on it. Lol. I wish. I released a song earlier today though, so...theres that. Lol. Aww, i would never do that without your permission lol You better not, or best believe I'll sue you for half the profits.
  8. Omfg, this is SO SO SO late but I only just saw this and realised I didn't say happy birthday! I hope you had a flawless day! What presents did you end up getting?
  9. If anything, he's hotter now. Got that whole silver fox angle working in his favor. That lip bite tho... That looks hilarious! They better update it for the reboot!
  10. Apparently Tinkerbell didn't even live with her for the past five years or so tho. Poor dog!
  11. Ugh, I tried my best to decipher what she was saying but I only got like two words here and three words there. Thanks for posting 'Side Fx' tho!
  12. Technically, yes because part of the show was animated lol so it'll be added in. Maybe. Actually, remember how I suggested that live action TV show thread/movie thread? I might just do live action Disney Channel/Nickelodeon shows in that thread, too, that way it's not over here in the stuff that's full animation, while that series is half animated. Yasssss, flawless! Now we can have That's So Raven, Hannah Montana and The Suite Life as well!
  13. Can we count Lizzie McGuire as an animation for the purposes of this masterpost?
  14. Omfg, I had a dream last night that you came back and released your songs and they ended up being amazing and you got famous like overnight! I was super pissed tho cos you stole the chorus I wrote and put some other bitch on it.
  15. My ultimate flop at the moment has to be Queen Kat DeLuna! Almost all of my other flops ended up actually getting albums out which is amazing for them, but Kat just keeps on releasing a new single every six months waiting for one to take off. I dunno whose dick she's sucking but sis keeps getting heavy promo and amazing producers as well! Here's her best known song: jcMXZjYqIog And here's one of my favourites from her atm: 1lkfC-ZY9yo
  16. You'd think they'd want more Australians cause you have to pay the foreign fee and let's be honest, they just want money. Right? But for some reason I guess they actually wanna give scholarships to people from places with real issues like Kenya and Iraq. How fucking selfish can these darkies be?
  17. Okay, but can you still leak the Amanda collab?
  18. From my understanding, Neon and Benny had actually eloped to Vegas right around the time 'Gold' came out, and were planning on going public with the relationship within the month. They had actually talked about having children for a year or so and Neon was trying super hard to get pregnant. After six months or so though, it was obvious that something was wrong. They ended up going to a gynaceologist, who confirmed that while the two shared a total gutters worth of STI's, that wasn't the problem: instead, a DNA test proved that the two were in fact twins! Neon was totally ashamed at the fact that she had been left in the dark about her adoption and so ran away to India to reconnect with her newfound heritage. Since then the whole situation has been super awkward and the two have barely spoken since!
  19. You should post it on Soundcloud so everyone can hear it!
  20. What kind of speeding tickets are you getting? Does the fact that I don't even drive a car simplify the situation for you? Yasss bitch, but I'm a triple threat! Ass, peen and throat is all 100% on fleek tbh.
  21. It sounds like Earthly Alien was your 14, and this is gonna be your True Romance with flawlessly realized songs you've been working on your whole life! I can't wait to hear it!
  22. Probably. Too bad it was a guy cop. Couldn't persuade him with my bearded ways. I'm pretty sure you already had when he asked you to bend over the car and let him handcuff you.
  23. The Golden Girls, with all four of the main stars still alive. :'( YASSSSS AT THREE OUT OF FIVE OF OUR CHOICES! Hew at the other two?
  24. Super late reply, but happy birthday gorgeous! Thanks for being such a perfect member of the forum and such a flawless friend and person in general. I hope you had an amazing day with your family and got all the presents such a queen as yourself deserves. I hope this year is the best one yet!
  25. Move onto the next era. I'd be happy for her to move on to another career, but that's just me I guess.
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