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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. She has a point, but she should be grateful that Brit even knows her name to begin with. I also find it funny that she promoed the single as a true collaboration when it came out and yet now she's claiming it's a feature. Bitch needs to sit down.
  2. That doesn't even make sense. If they can blast a pre-recorded song to an entire stadium, they can definitely do the same thing with live vocals. They just want every note to be hit perfectly which imo is kind of boring and a total giveaway that it's lip synced.
  3. I've never heard of this girl before, but these 90s songs are giving me so much life! 'Angry Johnny' is a jam, does anyone have a download?
  4. There was a fair few collabs we're missing, like one with Wiz Khalifa and a cover of some Lea McFallan song. But none of them have leaked sadly.
  5. Gaga was apparently already offered it the year Madonna ended up performing, and supposedly turned it down because she wasn't a fan of the lip-syncing cause. The only way I could see her accepting is if they let her sing live tbh.
  6. Idk how to feel about this...Britney has a much larger variety of songs to choose from and would definitely put on a good show if she could pull it off, like she did at the Billboard Music Awards. But Taylor would probably put on a better performance overall and she's definitely more current, even if I think her songs are boring as fuck.
  7. Omfg, that's scary as shit tbh! But I think the moral of the story is not about spirits, but about the perils of alcohol. #BanAlcohol #Prohibition2.0
  8. You do! Legit, please record a version of 'Till the World Ends' and we'll trade it around as if it's Kesha's demo. PHF needs to raise money somehow!
  9. I love the work you did on this song! I feel like maybe the beat is like a millisecond of or something but other than that it's great, I'm loving the gypsy-esque guitar! You legit sound like Kesha tho? Literally leaking this as a Lipsha demo...
  10. Do you really want to know?
  11. Mother of all OCD tbh.
  12. I quite like what I've heard of Bernie so far, but sadly he really has no chance against the force of nature that is the Clinton family. I'd really love him to be considered as VP though, but we'll see what happens with that - either way, Hillary will always get her way.
  13. If he's really trying to connect all the seasons together, he should have her come back as Constance from the first season, kinda like how Sister Mary Eunice returned in Freak Show! It wouldn't be too challenging of a role for her, and she could just cameo for a few episodes without making a huge commitment.
  14. Yasssss, we're making progress!
  15. I've already uploaded her best album like twice and no one downloaded, so I doubt anyone is gonna care for an entire mega.
  16. I feel the same way, although I did quite enjoy Cinderella tbh. It was obviously predictable as fuck but at least it did what everyone wanted.
  17. You're both delusional. Both of those albums are boring as fuck and have maybe five listenable songs between them. The song 'Electra Heart' >>>
  18. The artist formally known as Ke$ha has hit another bump in the long, winding road to freedom. The last time we heard from the queen of trash-pop, she was putting her record label Sony Records on blast for having full knowledge of, and actively concealing, the abuse that she allegedly faced at the hands of super-producer Dr. Luke. Now, the songstress’ suit has faced another setback – although thankfully this time it’s a relatively minor one.Part of Kesha’s claim is that Dr. Luke, as her manager, refused to negotiate her contract with Kenosabe Records. However, that very same contract purpotedly states that any legal disputes regarding it must be handled in the state of New York, where the label is based. Kesha’s lawyers are countering that as the majority of the incidents in the case happened in California, and that as she didn’t willingly enter into the contract in the first place, her consent to the contract should be invalid – but a judge has just ruled that any further advancements in the case will have to take place in New York. Meanwhile, things are getting even uglier when we consider that the case and Luke’s counter defamation suit is stopping Kesha from releasing any new music or putting her name on pretty much anything. For her Animals sake, we’re hoping that this whole thing gets settled promptly and that Kesh is able to get back to work on releasing new music – and fast!
  19. Good plan! Are you uploading them all on Mega or putting them on a couple of different sites?
  20. The first one was an absolute mess (although I did like Angelina in the role) so I don't have high hopes for the next one. Although, if they completely veered her away from the Sleeping Beauty story and she went to some distant land or something it could be more interesting.
  21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0XXcPl4T55I This little bitch needs to stop with these endless publicity stunts and just get to work on the next Celebrity Apprentice. Or even better, Vice-President Apprentice.
  22. I'm loving her outfit and the stage design, but that crowd was so dead.
  23. Are you gonna come and pick me up at the airport tho? I think I'm going to Castro St this weekend for some film festival! I hope it's as interesting as it sounds and there's a bunch of leather daddies standing around.
  24. I have Lana's new album cover, but it's only 20x20 pixels big. PM me if you're interested!
  25. The gender switch-up is continuing. Another reason to watch this movie.
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