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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. I still love I.Nimene as the name for an album.
  2. Fair point! Although she's definitely from the same drag school as Vivacious and all the other Brooklyn queens.
  3. This is absolutely the most terrifying thing I have seen in years.
  4. Or how people genuinely like that mess of a show called The Big Bang Theory.
  5. Tell me how it goes! I barely use the calendar so have no idea how to even add events.
  6. It's so sad that the majority of people in this thread are angry over music trading. Of course the process can be frustrating, but there's so many more important issues to be looking at in life.
  7. It's pretty great, yeah! It picks up a good amount of sound although I do think it works better for higher pitches than it does lower. But I would recommend it for sure!
  8. Glad you're not denying it. f
  9. That's the idea of New Music Monday, but it's hard to find good artists to cover and to find the time to keep up with them all.
  10. Oooh, that actually sounds cool! I've added an 'Album' section to the Calendar so feel free to start adding them.
  11. All I can say is that I hope that photo is a still from the 'Mr. Watson' music video and not just a scene from her everyday life.
  12. I actually like Robbie in drag, I just think she seems a bit cunty out of drag. But if they were judging it on that then Acid Betty should have been the first to go.
  13. Really? I think that 'We Just Wanna Fuck' is the song that defines our relationship.
  14. It's incredibly sad. But let's not also forget the bombings at Ankara which were mostly neglected by the media only several days ago, as well as the countless terrorist attacks that have been occuring in the middle east by both Muslim extremists and American soldiers since 9/11.
  15. Your dreams are coming true! They have a new season commissioned which should apparently be coming out this year!
  16. Aw, she looks stunning! I always forget how Hollywood she's gotten until I see an old photo of her.
  17. First Keke, now Sese...soon Miranda Cosgrove is gonna be dancing to this song too.
  18. @Cypher is one of the most loyal and kind members we've ever had on the site. I'm always happy every time I read one of his posts!
  19. Basically this. I'd prefer for people to wait for the album to be released officially and then leak any shit that's been left over. But to be fair, in some cases I'm grateful for leaks! We wouldn't even have albums like Life on Mars or Hothouse without them.
  20. Has anyone else tried oil pulling before? I just tried it for the first time and I thought it was so fucking weird... :stretcher: 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jimmy Gnecco

      Jimmy Gnecco

      OH GOD YOU TRIED IT :yuck::yuck::yuck::yuck::yuck::yuck: did you do it for 20 mins?

    3. RadiantEdits


      omg YES. 

      My mom does this and it works, she's always trying to get me to do it but I haven't yet. 

      It does wonders for your teeth :tan:

    4. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      @Jimmy Gnecco, yes! :stretcher: But after like ten minutes I started like choking, it's so disgusting after a while. :shocked: 

      @RadiantEdits, omg sis, do this with me! :stretcher: I honestly think it's more just the fact that you're swishing a liquid around in your mouth for twenty minutes that helps out your teeth, but either way... :tan: 

  21. We literally called it so well.
  22. Ready for the announcement of a pea sized iPad!
  23. Watch it for yourself! I'm sad about the elimination as well, but I honestly think the bar is set sooo high this season that I'll be disappointed with pretty much every elimination.
  24. @alphabetboy seems super sweet and has flawless design concepts! They're the right kind of Melanie stan.
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