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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. I think saying that she has one of "the most amazing voices you've ever heard" is probably overstating the matter a bit. But I totally agree with you that her voice is nowhere near her best on this track and the lyrics to this song are a mess.
  2. All this. I don't like her or her music but it's disgusting that all these people who talk about "creating safe spaces" and "erasing prejudice" are in fact doing the complete opposite on a daily basis over something so slight as a tacky Tumblr photo.
  3. Just gonna keep posting all the disgusting shit that this girl says because it's fun to watch her fans try and justify all this shit.
  4. Alt-pop up and comer Halsey has become the subject of controversy today over predictably petty social media happenings. Fans who went to check her official Twitter page today were left perplexed in the face of a message saying that the account "doesn't exist". There was no clear explanation for the deletion, but many are pointing to Instagram drama as the source of all problems. On the second of April, the popstar posted an image of a person kissing a mannequin with text overlaid reading "Everything is changing and I don't know where I fit". The image immediately blew up when it was discovered that Halsey had not made the image herself but had predictably found the image on Tumblr and failed to credit the original artist. The comments became more and more vitriolic after it was said that Halsey had blocked the original artist on Instagram from commenting on the image. However, as it turned out, Instagram had automatically blocked the artists comments after they had commented too many times on the work. While her Twitter account has been closed, the Instagram photo in question is still up with a current count of 157 000 likes and almost 10 000 comments. The hatred is still spreading on the page, with people calling the artist "ugly", a "waste of oxygen" and telling her to kill herself. For her part, Halsey has updated the caption of the image to read "Photo by @affectioms sorry I didn't know." While we're hardly the biggest fans of Halsey in the world, and artists definitely deserve credit for their original work, the amount of spiteful remarks aimed towards Halsey in this case is clearly unjustified. Images are regularly reposted around Instagram and Tumblr without credit, and while Halsey, as a public figure, should expect negativity as her brand becomes larger, the original artist should also expect a lack of credit for their work when they post it to these websites. What are your thoughts on the situation? Are you glad Halsey deactivated her account to avoid the haters, or should she have fought back? Let us know in the comments down below!
  5. The drawing is super cool! But you're adorable as well.
  6. She looks cute, but kind of high school talent show imo. Slay at 'Build the Cities' tho, that would go off live!
  7. What you said really upset me. This was my site, and you tried to take it away from me. I don't remember exactly what was or wasn't said, but I remember you came for me and it really upset me.
  8. Omg, I can't believe anyone actually liked the Major Lazer album, let alone put it on their favourites list.
  9. Yay, I'll look forward to hearing it! Can I ask what app you're using? I'd love to check it out!
  10. I don't know all that much about Estonia, but this town looks like a fairytale! I want Kerli to be my tour guide when I visit tho.
  11. Yasss! Or just one for the Pan soundtrack would be amazing! And the Bridget Jones musical soundtrack Lily worked on too.
  12. I'm not really 100% sold on the image, but out of all of them I like the second one the most!
  13. Ugh, disappointing. Were the other songs just from Utopia or whatever?
  14. Write your own damn articles bitch.
  15. For some reason the bottom three still aren't visible for me! But I do really like the Beyoncé one, it look super official! The Ester one is kinda over-edited imo tho.
  16. DOES SHE HAVE AN ALBUM COMING OUT? FOR REAL? I've waited so long!
  17. 'Blossom' is okay to me, but I feel like she should have kept promoting 'Feral Hearts' more before debuting a new single! Were there any other new songs she performed?
  18. They're both gorgeous! And I'm impressed that you managed to make them look super official while still making them exciting and stylised. Most covers either look like this: Or this:
  19. Oh thanks, nice find!
  20. I prefer the original by far, but this is a nice change of pace!
  21. I didn't see any blessing, just a lot of lip syncing and non-choreography.
  22. I think the best decision I could possibly make would be to ban you, trollop.
  23. The Good Wife, aka the most amazing show that has ever graced our unworthy television screens, is ending this year! I'm catching up on all the episodes - I've watched five seasons in three weeks () - but I'm not entirely caught up so please don't spoil shit for me! But let's talk about how amazing this show is. The acting, the characterisation, the plot progressions and twists...everything is just perfect. There's not one character in this entire show who isn't flawlessly executed. What are your thoughts?
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