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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. This is the one!
  2. The way this thread inspired the January 6 insurrection at the White House
  3. Exciting news! I wonder if there's anything we haven't heard!
  4. Vulture just posted an article talking about the recent downfall of K-pop group LOONA and it's an interesting read! TL;DR: LOONA's agency Blockberry Creative allegedly fired member Chuu a few months ago after she disputed her contract, under which the girls were apparently losing money and payments were being withheld. The other girls followed her lead in deciding to leave the agency, and so the agency tried to rush out an album release before they left, but after fan pressure they are now indefinitely postponing it 👀 I genuinely feel there hasn't been a proper big K-pop girl group in years and shit like this is why they aren't ever getting to the big leagues. These K-pop agencies and labels need to learn to work with their artists instead of trying to control their every move. It's sad when you think of how excited people were over LOONA when they debuted and now they're just kind of fading What are your thoughts?
  5. I'll be at the Sydney show!
  6. This is really sad. I remember watching him on Ellen and he always seemed like a joyful and happy soul. You never know what's going on behind closed doors. Keeping his three children in my thoughts
  7. Who knew that Ina and Myah would make such a beautiful duet couple
  8. I just want to be able to listen to this on my commute to work
  9. I'll trade you Stay for an Ina Wroldsen demo for Britney
  10. Awww, I remember seeing her on Drag Race. Cher must be devastated I hope her family's doing okay
  11. Idk what was going on with the lighting at the beginning there, but Keisha definitely drew the tall end of the stick. That hair, makeup and lighting is really working for her. She looks beautiful!
  12. Lynne who released a book in 2008 at the height of Britney's struggles sharing secrets about how Britney used to drink when she was underage? Lynne who just last year requested $650 000 from Britney's estate? Idk sis...Maybe she's not as bad as Jamie but I don't think she's a saint
  13. Really cool subjects for interviews! Jimmy Harry did an amazing job on TOMH so it's awesome to hear about the experience from him. I didn't know Penelope worked on Sippin On which is one of my favourite unreleased Britney songs. And I had no idea Jimmy Harry produced Supermodel! What a weird change to go from that to TOMH. Strip sounds like a total banger, that's #1 on my list of songs to hear now! Thanks for posting boo
  14. The only thing I've ever seen her in was Drop Dead Gorgeous, but her name was always out there in pop culture. Idk anything about her personal beliefs but I hope her family, friends and fans are doing okay
  15. Heidi's waist to hip ratio is
  16. I was thinking the same thing. Most of what's quote unquote "bad" about that picture is temporary stuff like badly drawn eyebrows, poorly applied lash extensions and obviously injectables. It's all easily fixed with a better stylist tbh Either way, Mutya has my favourite voice in pop so I don't really care what she looks like
  17. It's that time of the year when we're all able to see what songs we've been obsessed with over the past 12 months! My Spotify Wrapped came in today and it's honestly embarrassing how heavily it features 90s/00s girl bands, Avril Lavigne and Call Me By Your Name What were your most listened to songs this year?
  18. Good for her! Rod Stewart made a similar statement about the whole thing. It's a shame that the football association wasn't as strong and forward thinking. When it became clear that Qatar had failed to meet their pledges, FIFA should have immediately pulled out.
  19. Amelle always looks kind of awkward but she seems really uncomfortable there. It's honestly pretty rude that Keisha is basically saying that the lineup with Amella isn't her favourite right in front of Amelle's face, but I don't think she meant it in a mean way. I can honestly see how Keisha could say things innocently that would come off as bullying to other people...Although in the case of Siobhan or even Heidi when she first joined the group, I don't think anyone could argue that it was just a misunderstanding. It's interesting that Mutya never reached out to Heidi when she left though, especially when they were meant to be the closest. No wonder Heidi didn't necessarily want to see her later on when Mutya tried making amends.
  20. If they aren't going to release an album any time soon, I want a live DVD of this concert please!
  21. This is more what I'm here for
  22. I loooved Persona 5 when I played it on PS4 so I hope you'll like it on Switch! Definitely a fair few hours of fun in there imo. I haven't bought anything yet but I have my eyes on some clothes I want some new games for the PS5 as well but nothing is really catching my eye...Does anyone have any recommendations?
  23. That album cover you mentioned was a lot sexier in my head than it was when I googled it
  24. Tinkaton is us! Honestly all of the new designs are pretty good. The only one that jumped out to me as ugly was Gimmighoul, which is another one of their "take a random everyday object and add a ghost to it" Pokemon. Other than that I thought they were solid!
  25. Who's saying that anything is losing the spirit of the Pokemon games? I haven't seen anyone say that but I also don't really pay attention to the Pokemon fandom so idk what's going on in there. When it comes to the Dynamax/Gigantamax/Avamax I agree with you that it's all super gimmicky and doesn't really add much fun gameplay to the save files of most people playing. I think most people probably just want a typical Pokemon game where you're able to catch them, train them, battle them (and, for some people, maybe have some kind of interactive thing where you can play games with them or w/e) but in an open world format. I'd take it a step further and ask that they actually work on a proper plot for once with interesting themes and well-developed characters, which is often where the games really fall flat for me, as well as some side quests that give you something to do aside from the main quest. None of the rivals are likeable, none of the gym leaders are cool, the villains have no real motive and even Team Yell in the last games were just there to annoy you. I find myself skipping through most of the dialogue because it's so annoying and kiddy. I honestly think some of the plot points from the original games (for instance, the whole Pokemon Tower sub-quest with that baby Marowak) are better fleshed out, more interesting and provide more of an emotional connection than any of what they've done for the past couple of games. I actually misspoke a little about the character customisation. I like that they've (finally) introduced character customisation which is something that most other games have had for at least a decade now 😅 So that's a step forward at least. What I'm annoyed about is the outfits, which literally involve choosing between four different types of school uniforms (spring, summer, autumn, fall) which is heaps, heaps less than what we had in Sword and Shield (and even that wasn't a huge amount). This is the kind of thing I'm talking about where they take two steps forward and one step back. Animal Crossing has literally thousands of outfits to choose from and its standard for most games to have at least a few dozen to pick from. It's unfathomable to me that its 2022 and Pokemon is only just getting around to CC and offering piss poor outfit choices. The Pokemon Company/Nintendo are some of the biggest gaming conglomerates ever and they clearly have the money to be doing better than this but they just don't seem to care. I really don't think people are asking for that much here. A lot of these features are already present in games you can buy for your mobile, so I don't believe it's a case of lack of resources or poor hardware. I really just think they're making so much money off the franchise as it is that they have no reason to do better, so they just keep trudging along and giving people whatever weird evolution of Diglett they've come up with instead of striving to make something actually great. It's a shame to me because I'm a big fan of the franchise and I know they could be doing so much better if they put in the work.
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