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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. Omg, what is it from? She looks way too classy for Bad Girls Club.
  2. Congratulations for lasting a whole eleven days longer than I thought you would!


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. High Princess

      High Princess

      @Countess keyword: attempting :rofl:

    3. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      No one here came for you. We were having friendly banter and making jokes. I fail to see how it's acceptable for you to call @Dayfid ugly and get away with it because you were "joking" but when we make the most banal of all remarks you take it as a personal attack.

    4. Marina Joyce
  3. I FORGOT THAT WAS HIM, FUCK. I don't necessarily think he should have gone to jail for leaking the songs, but maybe for this he does...
  4. Omg, no way! You can do voice lessons over the phone? That sounds so useful tbh! Let me know if it works out or if technology fails us once again.
  5. Holy shit, this is fucking creepy! No wonder she doesn't have that happy go lucky attitude she had during her first album promo. I'm glad she's safe now, but sis needs to invest in some security so it doesn't happen again!
  6. No one said you couldn't have friends, and I'm sure if you made any effort to chat to people on here you'd have plenty more. I just find it interesting that your posts were entirely restricted to the Music Trading thread for the entire month and you had nothing to say about any other issue until someone called out your "friend".
  7. Was that the jazz band she was in? Honestly I've never even seen a download for that stuff anywhere.
  8. It's cos he didn't have that annoying "this is a Burim exclusive, baby" tag all over his shit.
  9. My favourite part is she says he's gonna lose a quarter of his dick, and then she says he's gonna lose half an inch... That lowkey shade tho!
  10. Shit, that was good! I feel like their voices have gotten so much better in the last few years, cos I remember seeing a few Secret Life performances where they weren't that amazing. Poor Michael tho, he deserves so much more than the backing singer title. But they do sound great together!
  11. This is mermaidglimmer tho, right?
  12. Dear @trayertrash, You are also a white person. Please stop sending our community hate messages. Regards, All Other White People
  13. Can you please change your avatar back? :vacuum: I miss seeing your gorgeous face everywhere. :'( 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Natalia Kills
    3. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      Thank you for your co-operation! :magic: Now please post a dick pic at your earliest convenience. :mo: 

    4. Natalia Kills

      Natalia Kills

      Y'all ain't ready

  14. Her voice! I never realised how powerful it was!
  15. This name is too fucking Downton Abbey for me. But congrats to her, I love her and her family!
  16. Wasn't there a whole article in some magazine about Burim being arrested? Or was that DJ Stolen or something?
  17. Omg, that's crazy! What an amazing show tho! How random they'd be performing in America and not Australia on that night tho. Come to Australia so we can go see them together!
  18. Somehow this .gif manages to kill me everytime...
  19. Yesss, me too! I remember back in 2014 I think she was recording for another album, but she cancelled it for some reason.
  20. Omg, make one for every album on my artwork request thread tbh.
  21. THANK YOU! Slay at my collection finally being complete! So is 'Part of Your World' actually just Lisa singing? And omg no, 'Army of Love' is exactly the same song as 'Army of One'. I have no idea why it was titled like that. God bless you for your help with all of this boo, omg. I can't thank you enough!
  22. Shoutout to @sapphirezz for being such a sweetie and being so helpful with my Allie X collection! <3 I appreciate it boo!

    1. sapphirezz


      ur welcome fam xox

  23. That honestly pissed me off so much. She even posted about it on Twitter so she must have seen all the Tweets asking about it and just chose to ignore them until the actual day of release. Super cunty of her tbh.
  24. Stunning. Especially this one, I love that it switches up the circle theme a bit!
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