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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. You mean they're asking you for money or something or they'll leak the conversation? Did you send pics or videos or anything like that to them? I wouldn't worry about it too much honestly babe...I've had people threaten everything from blackmail to murder if they see me on the streets over Grindr and it never comes to anything I know it's scary but I really don't think they're powerful or smart enough to make anything bad happen to you. I know you'll be fine!
  2. He's awake and seems to be okay! Not sure what they meant by critical condition but I'm glad he's doing okay as of right now. Sending him hope for a successful recovery
  3. Added the bottom five Yes! Added!
  4. Added Added the first five Added
  5. Added your top five and listening to the rest! Do you really want to give it away for free? I was thinking it should be up on our $50 monthly OnlyFans... Added them both!
  6. Does anyone have any other songs they want to add to the best songs of 2022 playlist? Let's try and get to 20 songs so we can put it on the homepage!
  7. The only queen who can win not only nicest member but also shadiest member! #GetYouACypherThatCanDoBoth
  8. Thanks to everyone who voted! The results are in and I want to say a personal congratulations to all the winners! Taking the title of Queen Supreme and a $25 iTunes gift card is... Taking the title of Puppy Lover is... Taking the title of Taylor Ssswift is... Taking the title of Fat Tampon is... Taking the title of Leslie Jordan in a Pink Tutu is... Taking the title of Favourite Newcomer is... Taking the title of Most Problematique is... Taking the title of Best Thread is... Taking the title of Best Song is... Taking the title of Best Album is... Thank you all for voting and we hope 2023 is a prosperous and happy year for everyone. Let's do this again twelve months from now!
  9. Sending him lots of love and hoping he'll make a full recovery It seems like we've had so many losses in the past twelve months
  10. I live just down the road! Near St Peters station if you remember it. What a small world
  11. A true pioneer for women in her field We love and respect Ms Barbara
  12. Sounds more like Alma's just messed with the existing vocals rather than getting a new take from Lindsay or anything. Sounds interesting tho!
  13. I'm really happy for their fans that they released this but I feel like none of the other songs match the brilliance of Flatline...Most of them sound pretty demoy and all kind of blend into one for me, although I do think No Regrets, Today and Victory all sound finished and nice. There's other good songs on there but I just think the production needed more work to make an album out of them. I hope we get new music soon!
  14. Welcome to PHF! Hope you enjoy yourself here
  15. It's so stupid that the contact form they have for exactly these kinds of situations doesn't even work...I guess if they keep it down they must think they're not getting DMCA complaints It looks like that video has been uploaded hundreds of times but you can manage to avoid it by avoiding that particular file size on Ava files. Be careful out there everyone
  16. Don't forget to come and get your free lollipop after voting! @ClubValentine is also handing out Lolene flavoured condoms for those in need
  17. Omg, whoever did that Lil Kim face photoshop really had it out for her...
  18. @NorthFox, let me know if you want me to move your post to a new thread!
  19. Me waiting for the Bonnie McKee thread to snatch the Best Thread award
  20. The 2022 PHF Rewind Awards The PHF Rewind Awards are a series of awards ceremonies that we hold semi-annually! While the awards took a hiatus for a few years, we thought 2022 would be a great time for them to make their (slightly delayed) comeback. We've kept all of your favourite categories from the last ceremony and the rules will be the same! As per usual, all voting will be done by you, and you can choose from any option you like so there's nothing holding you back. However, you can only vote for one option per category and you may not vote for yourself in any category. Voting will end on January the 1st so start your campaign now to make sure you get the award you want! #SkinnyLegend4QueenSupreme To vote, simply scroll down this page or click here and make sure to fill out all fields. See you back here on the 2nd for the announcement of the winners! Loading…
  21. Two true icons of PHF
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