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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. Aren't you younger than me? Thanks for saying so tho.
  2. Ugh, I would buy that if we had it in Australia but the vegan craze hasn't quite hit our supermarkets yet. You pretty much have to make everything yourself which makes it difficult to make quick and easy meals here.
  3. Poor @ThisIsDemetria. Sis comes up in here baring her soul for y'all and you pay the poor girl dust! #KeepItFat
  4. Post it. I wanna see if I can write to any of them!
  5. What!? She said she still loves him but they're spending time apart! That doesn't sound like breaking up to me.
  6. Awww, that's cute. Why don't I have a person to go on walks with? And yas, show me the wig once it's done!
  7. Stop that! Sia - Cheap Thrills vs. Katy Perry - Rise
  8. Hit! Taylor Swift - Famous For Being Famous (Feat. Selena Gomez)
  9. No idea who either of these people are, but let me know if you're struggling for questions and I can help out.
  10. I'm gonna start using it too. s2!
  11. Yeah, I agree with you. The majority of our users sign up because they've found the Music Trading thread through Google. Even though some of them don't post or just beg for tracks, some of them stay and become part of the community like you so I'm happy we have it! This is true as well. I remember one time I uploaded a track on SFShare and it got 2 000 downloads but only three people commented on the thread. True! But, if someone comes for one of my faves then I'm happy to use their sales or whatever to defend the person I'm stanning for.
  12. #Crexit... I don't want either of y'all to leave. I just want us to learn to have kind and open conversations so that we can educate @Cry Baby on why what they're saying is wrong.
  13. Ashley has to be one of the nicest and most non-judgemental people I've ever spoken to! She always welcomes new users to PHF with open arms and kindness and is so outgoing with all of her friends. Plus, she makes my job as an admin so much easier because she's actually willing to put in work and take the initiative when it comes to writing articles and interviews. I feel so #blessed to have her in my life and I can't wait for her to come to Australia to visit so I can make her lamingtons!
  14. Isn't that bitch still working at McDonalds?
  15. Where did this come from?!
  16. Right?! If she'd released it a month or so ago, given us the music video early and performed it live a few times, I could probably get with it. But I just feel like she's kinda rushed it out to give us a taste of the album but hasn't really planned any of the release properly.
  17. I'm not adding any of y'all cos my snaps are too embarrassing. But y'all can add me on Skype!
  18. Idk either of them but I'm going with the girl who's less annoying. Ryn Weaver - New Constellations vs. Sia - Cheap Thrills
  19. 'BonBon' is such a BopBop. Here's some of my favourites:
  20. I know you were only walking so you could play Pokemon Go. But you're so cute! I still wanna see photos of you in drag tho!
  21. Of course I am! All your Amelia stuff is amazing!
  22. I didn't know that transferring them got you a candy! I thought it was just a way to get rid of them so they didn't clog up your inventory. 400 candies is kinda ridiculous, but at least Magikarp are easy to find around the place. I agree there could be some improvements, but I'm hoping they're just saving them for a big update before the end of the year. PokeCenters would be cool! Or maybe if you could just set your house as a PokeCenter so everytime you return home your Pokemon are healed? I still really want more friendship features tho. So you can add friends to compete against, battle against, and give Pokemon and items too. It would also be cool if you could see your friends on the map around you so you can meet up and play together.
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