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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. Tehnically Gaga actually has a better vocal range than Judy. Although Judy brings an emotion to her songs that I don't think can be matched by any other singer.
  2. She couldn't have been proud of him after that poor display...
  3. Thank god for that! Just her presence on this earth annoys me tbh. That's a pretty good recommendation. You might have convinced me to get back into it again.
  4. I feel like this is telling us that this is gonna be the one season that ties them all together! I'm expecting a Queen Jessica cameo now.
  5. There's a whole masterpost for her on here if you search for it.
  6. 'Hung Up (Part II)'!
  7. I haven't heard the original Melanie track, but this is fucking awesome.
  8. I feel so bad for this girl tbh. All she wanted was an autograph and that snake treated her like garbage. I honestly don't understand how people can still stan Halsey after this, she deserves to be arrested. #JailHalsey
  9. I think you're gonna be waiting for another few years.
  10. Hew? I'm only here for the queens, Britney and Gaga.
  11. Omg, that's so good! You're so lucky! I've always got the impression she was a genuinely nice person, if totally ruled by spontaneity and completely unpredictable.
  12. I'm a loner too, but you best believe that if I was wandering through a deserted nuclear wasteland I would be bringing at least my dog with me! I've gotta say, I just learnt that I could flirt with Macready the other day and now I'm totally shipping him and my character. What a hottie. I agree with you tho. I can sit through a two hour horror movie and come out okay, but games require a lot more emotional involvement for me which makes it scarier. The only way I can play them is with friends nearby! I haven't finished The Walking Dead yet, I played the first chapter but it was too sad to continue.
  13. The back cover is super cool, I like it better than the original!
  14. Why am I the only Lana stan who likes TOW?
  15. Ugh, it seems like every sample used gets backlash of some kind. People always criticise the songs for being unoriginal without realising that 90% of the songs on the radio use the same chord progression anyway...
  16. Britney Spears - Do You Wanna Come Over This is my new workout song. It's the best to do sit-ups too!
  17. I thought you would like this! I just felt like we needed to take a moment to celebrate her. People were so happy to bash her while she was down but no one's giving her credit for doing so well. I'm so proud of her this era.
  18. I agree with you tbh. I think there's a difference between "normal" depression and clinical depression tho, but it's often hard to tell where the line ends and at the end of the day it doesn't really matter if the person's suffering. I'm really sorry to hear this boo. Have you considered talking to a therapist about it? A certain level of sadness is normal but if you're seriously considering suicide I think you should talk to someone who can help you through it.
  19. I would like to second this petition. If I don't receive this song, or $10 000 donated to PHF within the next hour, I will sue all of you. Thank you for your co-operation.
  20. Why did they censor his dick but not the other guy from a few weeks ago? His underwear is weird tho and his dick looks small. Not here for this boner killer.
  21. I hope they get rid of the moderation system completely tbh. They should just let anyone upload anything but let people put filters on their searches so only submissions above three or four stars or whatever are shown.
  22. Awww, that's good news! I know you were worried about him moving away so this way you get the best of both worlds. Send him our congratulations!
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