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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. This thread...
  2. Hmm, maybe. But the weird thing is that the biggest controversies at the Super Bowl lately (Janet's boob and M.I.A.'s middle finger) were both physical actions and not affected by the microphone or lip syncing at all. To be honest, she's pretty much always lip synced so nothing's changed too much...
  3. Not sure how this is gonna work tbh...The Jungle Book at least had one human character but this doesn't even have the one to rely on. I still kinda enjoyed it tho so I'm sure they'll do a good job with this one!
  4. That website is a mess tho... Half of their "tea" is about ridiculously petty shit like Selena smoking cigarettes and the other half is farfetched stuff like Selena doing coke which has no receipts. She's already confessed to going to rehab in several interviews tho, she's just stated that it's for anxiety and depression stemming from her lupus.
  5. Mess at you taking the fun part of the collaboration and leaving the boring review portion to some other flop member...
  6. He also called contestants "forgettable and "ugly"...I think he's more just an asshole to everyone in general rather than one specific minority.
  7. Do you have a list of what leaked? I might have some of it but I'm not sure what's out there.
  8. Remember when she was supposed to do it at the BRIT Awards but then Alexander McQueen had to go and die?
  9. I completely forgot this song existed until it randomly popped in my head earlier today... :shocked: 


  10. 'Gold Watch' was fun too, but I think my favourite was 'Breakfast'! That song was so fun, it's a shame it never even got the music video it should have had. I'm hoping she somehow gets a second album out someday! Well this post was made in May, but the single did first come out in November...
  11. @Tweener exposed! :vacuum: 


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tweener


      EXACTLY! hahahhahahahhahah:lol: But it's cute tho

    3. Tweener


      Also, I feel really flattered that y'all take your precious time to expose me <3

      I totally feel like:

    4. Main Pop Girl

      Main Pop Girl

      I feel betrayed by your lies. :'(

  12. I thought she did a decent job. I was with her for around the first 45 minutes or so, until 'Slave 4 U' but then she kinda lost me. I think if she'd talked to the audience just a bit more and had some more interaction then it would have kept me in there tho! I still think it was good, I just think she should stick with shorter sets until she's a little more confident.
  13. YAS! Hopefully this will give this era some of the promo and live performance it needs! I'm still here for the 'Telephone' performance, I'm just getting kinda sick of Bey on the Superbowl and I don't want her to overshadow Gaga.
  14. Right?! @Woodcrest came up with this entire article by themselves and I think they did a great job! So proud of my boo!
  15. I know, it's such a shame the promo for her album was so messy. She really had potential! They should have at least released 'Sax' in the US, she could have at least been a one hit wonder.
  16. This looks like so much fun, I would love to have her as a regular host for a show tbh! I'm surprised Ellen is taking a day off tho, I feel like she's never done that before!
  17. It's okay, you still have time to save your soul.
  18. To be fair though, that's just because Bey's black and Jen and Gwen have had plastic surgery... I still think Britney looks much better than most forty year olds, even if you're just looking at her body.
  19. It seems like 'In My Blood' it still doing pretty well over here so I guess I get why they haven't released anything new. I hope the next single does well so they can get the album out soon tho!
  20. Marry Captain America (), Fuck Thor (), Kill Loki (). FMK: Princess Ariel, Princess Jasmine, Princess Belle.
  21. Fair enough, everyone has different tastes.
  22. It sounds cool! Maybe you could try and use some live vocals or something to make it even more convincing.
  23. Not you missing out on Nicola's amazing debut album!
  24. I honestly think Scooter spends so much time babysitting Bieber that he has no time for his other artists...That, and people don't see Carly as a reputable artist. 'Call Me Maybe' was seen as a gimmicky one hit wonder so people don't check for any of her new songs.
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