Since we started our Member of the Month program early last year, we've been waiting for the perfect moment to introduce the second phase of our MOTM program - member interviews! We love celebrating our amazing #PHFriends and talking to them about their lives, so asking them some frequently asked questions seemed like a great way to get to know them on an even deeper level.
And who better to help us introduce this program than @Third Eye? Since they joined PHF back in March of this year, Thirdy (or Ms. Eye if you're nasty) has made a reputation for themselves as one of the nicest and most genuine members on the forum, which they proved last month when they became one of only a few people to hit the Most Popular Contributors list! But how did they first get into pop music? What inspires the Florence obsession? And are they really their fave AURORA in disguise? Along with @Tweener and Thirdy themselves, I set out to answer these questions in our exclusive interview with the queen!
Hey @Third Eye! How are you today?
Hello! Well, I’m currently sick but it was a really nice day! I hope you are feeling good too.
Let's start at the beginning. How did you first find PHF? Why did you join and what were your first thoughts about it?
I found PHF thanks to the good sis @LBBH, he introduced me to the forum! I joined to be more in touch with music news, leaks and more. It was my first registration to a forum so it was really cool.
The first thing I thought was, "Wow, there are a lot of big users with a lot of likes and contributions..." - I was scared, I was a flop! My opinion has changed a lot, the first users I talked with were so mean and I thought that this wasn’t my place but then I met a lot of wonderful members.
What are some of your favourite PHF moments that you've been a part of throughout the years? #PHFHistory
I would say...the death of ART DECO! I was shook…
Also, the #WeCanHurtTogether thing and when someone called @Tweener a scammer.
I remember that time @trayertrash made a topic (jokingly) calling me out and telling people to vote so I could be banned due to the recent fights we had in the forum.
Don’t forget about "Cum to brazeel Dennis".
How does it feel to be PHF's Member of the Month for October of 2016?
I am disgusted...Jokes, y’all know I’m always using that gif. I am really happy to be October’s, it's such an honour! Thank you.
How did you first get into pop music? Have your musical tastes changed much since then?
Well, the first pop thing I heard was Selena Gomez (of course, I was a kid!). My brother introduced me to Lady Gaga and Katy Perry and, well, other artists I don’t remember..
But I was addicted to 'TiK ToK' by Kesha. I only liked pop at that time, but now I like almost every genre. Lady Gaga and Katy Perry are no longer in my Holy Trinity but they are still in my faves.
My favourite style now is rock-indie or alternative, but I still love pop.
I know you're a huge fan of Florence + The Machine. What makes you love and admire the Ginger Chanteuse so much?
She’s my role model, she inspires me to keep going through life and to never give up. Her song 'Shake It Out' - which is my favourite - helped me and rescued me in a really deep and bad moment of my life. I went to see her for the first time ever and I couldn’t stop crying. Watching her singing that song was too much for me, I love her.
I can’t thank her enough for all the things she made for me without even knowing it. I will support her all my life and I will follow her everywhere she goes. She’s my hope in humanity. She also helped me meet my year later we were watching her live!
She is always near to her fans, doing everything behind the camera, doing everything for us - not for the money, not for the charts. She just makes what she was born to do and makes people happy. I would write 589374 pages explaining why I adore her but it would be too much, hahaha. Florence means life and happiness to me. Thank you for guiding me to the good way.
One of your other faves is Sia. If you had to list your three absolute favourite songs from her, which one would they be and why?
This is a hard question but I would say:
'Soon We’ll Be found': I think that song is a must in her career, it’s a wonderful piece of art. It’s pretty similar to the feeling I get when I hear 'Breathe Me' (one of her best too).
'Chandelier': Well, I think it’s her best production ever, I think she won’t ever top that song - the lyrics, the meaning, the video! It inspires me a lot, I love how can I see her whole life through her songs...I think this song is the justice her career deserved.
'Black and Blue': This is a leaked song but it's so powerful and lovely, it hits me every time I play it. I wish this was in one of her albums. This song especially inspires me a lot!
Which songs would you say have influenced your life the most?
As I said in a previous question, 'Shake It Out' and of course 'Third Eye'.
'Breathe Me' by Sia. This song used to make me so sad but now I can always sing it with happiness knowing that I’m not in that situation anymore.
'Wings' by Birdy. For the same reason as 'Breathe Me', its such an amazing piece of art.
'The Edge of Glory' by Lady Gaga. This song has helped me a lot. It always make me smile, it's beautiful..
I didn't want to leave the interview without saying anything about my third queen AURORA, her whole album All My Demons Greeting Me As A Friend influenced me a lot. It's like hearing my life through her songs, I feel sooooo connected to her and her songs.
If you could choose two artists to collaborate on a song together, who would it be and why?
Well, I would choose Florence and Sia (AURORA too if I could). I don’t really think their voices would match at all, but I can’t imagine the slayage that song would be. My faves working together would be such a privilege… Like Lady Gaga working with Florence, I’m literally dead about this! I can’t wait to hear it. Also I can’t wait to hear the song by Katy Perry with Sia!
Which upcoming album releases are you most excited about for the remainder of the year?
Sia - This Is Acting (Deluxe)
Dami Im - TBA (Buy her new single coming this Friday!)
Lady Gaga - Joanne
Dora Luna - Selftitled (Dua Lipa, lol.)
Bebe Rexha - A.Y.F. (Not coming...)
Out of all of your favourite flops, which ones do you feel are most underrated? Which do you think PHF members should learn more about? AURORA! Yes, finally a question where I can promote my girl.
She’s amazing. She writes her own songs, the lyrics are amazing, the whole album is beautiful. She only has one album out and it's my new Bible; your faves would take ten albums to top that.
I finally see a lot of people loving her, which makes me sooooo happy. I turned a lot of members into fans promoting her to death! I feel so connected to her, it's like we were born to meet each other and be friends! Sounds crazy, right? I love her a lot.
PHF should learn about...respect and taste. We should all respect each other no matter what artists we like, it’s a taste thing!
Which of your fellow members do you think should be PHF's next Member of the Month?
Hard question...
The King, aka @Speedoflight.
And the good sis @Woodcrest.
Are there any last words you'd like to say to your fans on PHF?
Of course... #BuyCheapThrillsoniTunes!
And please, kids, don’t forget to buy Dami’s new single 'Fighting For Love' this Friday.
Thank you so much @Countess for this chance, I loved working on this together a lot. I can't believe I'm the first! I'm glad you liked the idea.
And… I can’t leave without saying love you always @Tweener and @Jump Rope!