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Main Pop Girl

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Everything posted by Main Pop Girl

  1. It's not just about hitting the horses, a lot of the animals that leave that field have internal bleeding because they've been pushed to run too hard. The problem is with both the Melbourne Cup which makes money off gambling addiction and animal abuse and the cruel owners who have no respect for animal rights.
  2. I liked the beginning and end bits but her falsetto during the chorus is lowkey bad and annoying... Don't try and be an Ariana if you're just a Selena!
  3. Why does this look like it was better filmed than her last two music videos?
  4. I think the Ari parts are good, just not sure about the "la la la" sections. But it's pretty decent, I really like the instrumental post-chorus!
  5. I agree, although I actually personally prefer this one:
  6. People literally just use the Melbourne Cup as an excuse to get wasted and abuse horses, so I have no idea why she's out there singing a 90s power ballad...She sounds good but I'm annoyed at her for even supporting this event, she could do better.
  7. Do people even check for Nickelodeon or Disney Channel anymore? I feel like the golden years were 2000 - 2005 or so and since then they've gone downhill...
  8. That's a great idea! Bibles are the perfect repellent to marry Jew wannas and their evil holy book, the Taurus. Praise God!
  9. I think it's time for you to make a thread dedicated to the male popstars in your life tbh...#Meninism
  10. I've never heard of her! You should make a post for her in Jukebox so she can get some promo.
  11. You're right, I didn't even notice that on first listen! I think I was so blown away with the fact that they managed to find all those vocal ad-libs in the song somehow.
  12. That highlight looks bomb af on you! You have such good bone structure, I'm super jealous.
  13. These Bebe covers are so clean and professional looking, her team needs to take notes.
  14. I'm such a big fan of The O.C. that I'd love it to come back even if I have no idea where they'd go with it! Maybe a grown up Ryan could help out a neglected nephew or something like Sandy helped him out in the first series.
  15. Yes! That's why she was never in the later seasons or Cory In The House.
  16. This 'Be There' track is cute, but why is it so short? We need a bridge! Here's how I have mine organised if it's helpful to anyone. It's not really done by year or anything though, just genre. I'd like to know this too... @Moment of Madness, can you elaborate?
  17. Congratulations, that's so awesome! You totally deserved it, the cover is bomb.
  18. Waiting for my follow back!
  19. Do you just paint over the original image on a new layer with the Overlay blend on or something? It looks so legit...
  20. Thank you to all my loyal followers in this thread, but I'd like you to know that @Tweener is false. I'm not a Supreme... I'm a @Countess.
  21. I feel like the 'Volume 1' and 'Written and Directed' text seems kinda out of place, but the rest is flawless! Stan The Bride!
  22. Get that AJR promo, you're becoming a total stan!
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